
Type: Integer[4]

Availability: Read or write at any time

The endOfLineMode property of the JadeTextEdit control defines the character sequence used to indicate the end of a line in the text editor. This property controls what is inserted into the text buffer when a new line is required, including a new line keystroke (for example, when Enter is pressed), new lines inserted from the clipboard, and new lines loaded from a file.

Text copied to the clipboard or to a file has end-of-line characters converted to the platform-native equivalent.

The value can be one of the JadeTextEdit class constants listed in the following table.

Class Constant Integer Value Description
SC_EOL_CR 1 Carriage return character
SC_EOL_CRLF 0 Carriage return / line feed character (the default value)
SC_EOL_LF 2 Line feed character