
Type: Integer

Availability: Not available at design time, read or write at run time

The selStart property of the ComboBox, TextBox, or JadeRichText class contains the starting point of selected text and indicates the position of the insertion point if no text is selected.

For the JadeTextEdit class, this property contains the zero-based character offset of the first character in the text selected in the control and indicates the position of the insertion point if no text is selected. A value of -1 sets the property to the currentPosition property. If the value is past the end of the control, the value is set to the position of the last character of text.

Use this property for tasks such as setting the insertion point, establishing an insertion range, selecting substrings in a control, or clearing text.

The valid range of settings is zero (0) through text length (the total number of characters in the edit area of a control). If the value of the selStart property is zero (0) and the value of the selLength property is -1, all text in the control is selected. If the value of the selStart property is -1, any current selection is deselected. Setting the selStart property to a value greater than the text length sets the property to the existing text length.

Changing the value of the selStart property changes the selection to an insertion point, causes the text at the selStart position to be visible if the user has entered text beyond the length of the text box, and sets the value of the selLength property to zero (0).