Product Information > JADE Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Administration Guide > Chapter 2 - Relational Population Service (RPS) Support > Mapping Time, TimeStamp, and Date Primitive Types to the SQL Server DATETIME Type
Mapping Time, TimeStamp, and Date Primitive Types to the SQL Server DATETIME Type

SQL Server 2000 and 2005 do not have separate date and time data types.

When mapping the Date, Time, and TimeStamp primitive types in SQL Server 2000 and 2005:

SQL Server 2008 and higher has separate date and time data types. Valid dates are in the range 0001-01-01 through 9999-12-31.

In Date primitive types, the initial value of zero (0) is not valid and can be distinguished from a valid (or set) value or an invalid date (set by user code).

In Time primitive types, the initial value of zero (0) is a valid time of 00:00:00 and cannot be distinguished from a set value. An invalid time can be set by user code.

The following is used to map values from JADE to the SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 DATETIME data type.

JADE Primitive Type JADE Value SQL Server 2000 and 2005 DATETIME Data Type
Date 0 Null column
  InvalidDate Null column
  Valid SQL Server date ValidDate, 00:00:00
  Invalid SQL Server date Null column with message to log
Time ValidTime (including 0) TodaysDate if SetSQLDateForJadeTime=<default>
    1/01/1900 if SetSQLDateForJadeTime=<basedate>
  InvalidTime Null column
TimeStamp SQLServerValidDate, ValidTime (including 0) Date, Time
  Invalid SQL Server date, ValidTime Null column with message to log
  ValidDate, InvalidTime ValidDate, 00:00:00
  InvalidDate, any Time Null column
  0, InvalidTime Null column
  0, ValidTime (including 0) TodaysDate, ValidTime if SetZeroTimeStamp=<default>
    1/01/1900, ValidTime if SetZeroTimeStamp=<basedate>
    Null column if SetZeroTimeStamp=<null> and time=0

The following table defines the available mappings of JADE types to SQL Server 2008 and higher DATE and TIME data types that differ from the SQL Server 2000 and 2005 mappings listed in the previous table.

JADE Primitive Type JADE Value SQL Server 2008 and Higher DATE and TIME Data Types
Date Valid SQL Server Date ValidDate
  Invalid SQL Server Date Null column with message to log (SQL Server date limits)
Time ValidTime (including 0) ValidTime