Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > SetZeroTimeStamp



Current date


The SetZeroTimeStamp parameter determines the date portion of the value that is output to the RDBMS for a mapped property or method that returns a zero TimeStamp value (date=0 and time=0).

On SQL Server, a JADE TimeStamp value is mapped to a DATETIME value. If the JADE TimeStamp value is zero, the value of the date portion of the DATETIME value depends on the setting for the SetZeroTimeStamp parameter as shown in the following table.

Value Result
<default> The date portion of the DATETIME value set to the current date.
<basedate> The date portion of the DATETIME value set to the RDBMS base date. For SQL Server, the base date is 1/01/1900.
<null> The column is set to null.

The SetZeroTimeStamp parameter is not created or updated by the RPS Manager application.

Parameter is read when …

The Datapump application is started.

Applicable to database role or subrole…

RPS node only, or a primary SDS node when extracting RPS data.