Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > SetSQLDateForJadeTime



Current date


The SetSQLDateForJadeTime parameter determines the date portion of the value that is output to the RDBMS for a mapped Time property or method that returns a value. This applies only to an RDBMS such as SQL Server that does not have a Time data type.

On SQL Server, a JADE Time value is mapped to a DATETIME value. The value of the date portion of the DATETIME value depends on the setting for the SetSQLDateForJadeTime parameter, as shown in the following table.

Value Result
<default> The date portion of the DATETIME value set to the current date.
<basedate> The date portion of the DATETIME value set to the RDBMS base date. For SQL Server, the base date is 1/01/1900.

The SetSQLDateForJadeTime parameter is not created or updated by the RPS Manager application.

Parameter is read when …

The Datapump application is started.

Applicable to database role or subrole…

RPS node only, or a primary SDS node when extracting RPS data.