Product Information > JADE Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Administration Guide > Chapter 1 - Administering a JADE Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Environment > Using the Secondary Menu

Using the Secondary Menu

The Secondary menu enables you to monitor and control a secondary database in an SDS environment.

Use the Secondary menu commands to perform one of the actions listed in the following table.

Command For details, see…
Enable Read Access / Disable Read Access Enabling or Disabling Read Access of Persistent Objects in the Database
Enable Tracking / Disable Tracking Enabling or Disabling Tracking
Initiate Takeover / Initiate Hostile Takeover Taking Over of the Primary Database Role from a Secondary Database
Resume Resuming Journal Replay
Replay Next Journal Replaying the Next Journal
Disable Primary Connection Disabling a Connection to the Primary Database
Reconnect Reconnecting a Secondary Database