Product Information > JADE Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Administration Guide > Chapter 1 - Administering a JADE Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Environment > Enabling or Disabling Read Access of Persistent Objects in the Database
Enabling or Disabling Read Access of Persistent Objects in the Database

To enable read access to persistent objects in the database

  1. In the database view pane, select the secondary database whose read access you want to enable.

  2. Select the Enable Read Access command in the Secondary menu.

Read access to persistent objects in the database is then enabled, the value of the Read Access Enabled attribute in the operational state details changes to Yes, and the menu command changes to the Disable Read Access command.

Read access is not granted immediately when interrupted transactions remain pending after a restart operation. Read access is granted only when all remaining interrupted transactions complete. (For more details, see "Synchronizing with a Primary", earlier in this chapter.)

To disable read access to the secondary database

  1. In the database view pane, select the secondary database whose read access you want to disable.

  2. Select the Disable Read Access command in the Secondary menu.

The selected secondary database then no longer has read access to persistent objects in the database, the value of the Read Access Enabled attribute in the operational state details changes to true, and the menu command changes to the Enable Read Access command.

When read access is disabled on the secondary database, inquiry applications cannot access persistent objects resident in the database server. Any attempt by a user application to access persistent objects when read access is disabled raises an exception.