Product Information > JADE Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Administration Guide > Chapter 1 - Administering a JADE Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Environment > Resuming Journal Replay
Resuming Journal Replay

You can resume replay of journals on a secondary database when tracking is enabled; for example, when tracking was halted because of missing journals or insufficient disk to create a journal. (For details about disabling tracking, see "Enabling or Disabling Tracking", earlier in this section.)

You cannot resume tracking on a secondary database that requires a release upgrade.

When journal replay is resumed, the following actions are performed on the secondary server.

  1. Scans its current journal directory for new arrivals and updates the latest ready journal information.

  2. Starts replaying from the next replay journal if it is resident on the secondary server.

  3. Requests the next required journal from the primary database server, if connected.

If you want to initiate the replaying of the next ready journal on the secondary database server when tracking is disabled (that is, replay is suspended), use the Secondary menu Replay Next Journal command. For details, see the following subsection.

To resume journal replay from the primary or secondary server

  1. Select the secondary database in the database view pane whose journals you want to resume replay.

  2. Select the Resume command in the Secondary menu. (This command is disabled when the value of the Tracking is attribute in the operational state is disabled.)

The replaying of journals is then resumed on the selected secondary database.