Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 4 - JADE System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > Getting Web Statistics

Getting Web Statistics

You can asynchronously obtain World Wide Web (or Internet activity) statistics for a specific process, by using the Process class sendWebStatistics method in conjunction with the extractWebStatistics method.

To obtain Web statistics, a process calls the:

  1. Object class beginNotification method, to register receive the notification containing the statistics

  2. Process class sendWebStatistics method, to request the target process to send a notification containing statistics

  3. Process class extractWebStatistics method in the Object class userNotification method, to retrieve the statistics

For details, see the following subsections.

ProcesssendWebStatistics Method

ProcessextractWebStatistics Method

NodewbemListClasses Method

NodewbemListInstanceNames Method

NodewbemQueryQualifiers Method

NodewbemRetrieveData Method