Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 4 - JADE System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > NodewbemListInstanceNames Method

Node::wbemListInstanceNames Method

wbemListInstanceNames(className:     String;
                      instNameArray: HugeStringArray input);

The Node class wbemListInstanceNames method retrieves the names of all instances of a Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) class specified by the className parameter for the host machine for the node specified by the receiver object is running.

The class name must be a fully qualified WBEM class name.

The instance names are inserted as strings into the huge string array specified by the instNameArray parameter. This method always empties the array before inserting the instance names. The caller is responsible for creating and deleting this array.

JADE allows only a subset of the available WBEM classes to be used. The allowed classes are those relating to cache, memory, system, processor, server, disk, and network interface information.

The wbemListClasses method of the Node class can be used to retrieve the fully qualified WBEM class names that can be used. For an example of the use of and output from this method, see the Node class wbemListInstanceNames method in Volume 2 of the JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes.