Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 4 - JADE System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > NodewbemQueryQualifiers Method

Node::wbemQueryQualifiers Method

wbemQueryQualifiers(className:      String;
                    attributeNames: StringArray input;
                    counterTypes:   IntegerArray input;
                    scaleFactors:   IntegerArray input);

The Node class wbemQueryQualifiers method retrieves the names, type, and scale factor for each property of the Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) class specified by the className parameter. This allows property values returned by the wbemRetrieveData method defined in the Node class to be correctly interpreted.

The qualifier information is placed into three matched arrays. Information for the first property is placed into the first member of each of the three arrays, information for the second property is placed into the second member, and so on.

The caller is responsible for creating and deleting the three arrays. This method always empties these arrays before inserting the qualifier information.

The class name must be a fully qualified WBEM class name. JADE allows only a subset of the available WBEM classes to be used. The allowed classes are those relating to cache, memory, system, processor, server, disk, and network interface information. The wbemListClasses method of the Node class can be used to retrieve the fully qualified WBEM class names that can be used.

If a name that is not allowed or recognized is used, an 1136 exception (Attempt to use a prohibited WBEM interface class name) or an 1133 exception (WBEM interface error when querying data) is raised.

The string array specified by the attributeNames parameter contains the name of each property for the specified class. These match the names of the properties that the wbemRetrieveData method creates in the JadeDynamicObject it uses.

The integer array specified by the counterTypes parameter contains performance counter type values for the properties. The values are those defined by Microsoft and documented in the MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) literature.

The integer array specified by the scaleFactors parameter contains the default scale factor to be applied to the property values. This is a power of 10 that can be used to estimate the likely range of the value.

The meaning of each counter type value and the correct way to extract meaningful information from the property values is described in the MSDN literature. Searching using "WMI Performance Counter Types" should locate the relevant information.

For an example of the use of and output from this method, see the Node class wbemQueryQualifiers method in Volume 2 of the JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes.