Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > Printer Methods

Printer Methods

The methods defined in the Printer class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
abort Closes the printer or the preview file and discards all of the generated output
centreFrame Centers the frame on the page
close Sends all buffered output to the printer or the preview file
drawArc Draws an elliptical arc on the printer page
drawChord Draws a chord on the printer page (that is, an arc with the end points joined and the interior filled)
drawEllipse Draws an ellipse on the printed page
drawFilledRectangle Draws a filled rectangle on the printed page
drawGrid Draws a grid
drawLine Draws a line on the printed page
drawPie Draws a pie-shaped wedge on the printed page
drawRectangle Draws the border of a rectangle on the printed page
drawRoundRectangle Draws a rectangle with rounded corners on the printed page
drawSolidRectangle Draws a rectangle filled with the same color as the border on the printed page
drawTextAt Draws a text string on the printer page
drawTextIn Draws a text string with a bounded rectangle on the printer page
drawTextSize Returns the size of the text on the print page, using the current drawFont property values
drawTextSizeIn Returns the size of the text in a bounding rectangle on the print page, using the current drawFont property values
frameFits Returns true if the selected frame can be fitted on the current printer page
getAllPaperSources Returns all valid paper sources for the current printer device
getAllPrinterPaperSources Returns the paper sources for the specified printer on the application server or a presentation client
getAllPrinters Returns a string array of available printer names
getDefaultDocumentType Returns the default document type that is set for the physical printer
getDefaultPaperSource Returns the default paper source type (printer tray) set for the physical printer
getFooter Returns the current footer frame for the printer or null if a footer frame has not been set
getHeader Returns the current header frame for the printer or null if a footer frame has not been set
getPrintedStatus Returns the status of the print task after the printer is closed, to enable you to determine if the report was printed during preview
getPrinterName Returns the name of the current printer device
getPrintPosition Returns the current pixel position to be used for the next print statement
getReport Returns the value of the report instance set by the app.printer.setReport method call
isPrinterOpen Returns true if the printer is currently open
newPage Skips to the top of a new page
pageHeight Returns the height of the page
pageWidth Returns the width of the page
print Outputs the specified frame to the printer
printActive Prints the currently active form or control
printPage Prints the specified page of print output on the current printer
printReport Prints the specified report on the current printer if the printPreview property is set to false
printUnformatted Bypasses the Windows Printer Control to print unformatted text
setCustomPaperSize Sets a custom printer paper size at run time
setFooter Sets the footer frame to a specified frame
setHeader Sets the header frame to a specified frame
setMargins Combines the settings of the margin properties
setPrinter Sets the output printer
setPrintFileName Writes the print output to a file
setPrintPosition Sets the next print position to be used
setReport Captures all JadeReport object JadePrintDirect and JadePrintPage entries for storage, manipulation, or printing
useCustomPrinterSettings Combines standard printing properties (for example, copies, duplex, and so on) with previously cached advanced settings from the common Print Setup dialog

Printer class methods cannot be invoked from a server method.