Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > newPage


newPage(): Integer updating;

The newPage method of the Printer class skips to the top of a new page and it opens the printer if it is not already open. This method has no effect if the print output is already positioned at the start of a page.

A Printer category global constant is returned, indicating the result of this method (for example, Print_Successful).

An exception is raised if this method is invoked from a server method.

The code fragments in the following examples show the use of the newPage method.

// The variable lastKey contains the key of the last entry to be
// displayed on the table.  This value is compared with the key of the
// last entry in the collection to determine whether the entire collection
// has been displayed.  If not, the printer is told to start a new page
// and the table is cleared.  The startPos variable is then set to the
// last entry to be displayed so that the next page displays only the
// entries which have not yet been displayed.
if lastKey < customerDict.last.key then
    table1.rows := 1;
    self.startPos := lastKey;

if cb_NewPage.value then
    if lineCount mod tb_Lines.text.Integer = 0 then
        if cb_ChangeMargins.value then
            leftMargin.text := (leftMargin.text.Integer + 5).String;
            app.printer.leftMargin  := leftMargin.text.Integer;
            app.printer.rightMargin := rightMargin.text.Integer + 5;