Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > duplex


Type: Integer

The duplex property of the Printer class contains the duplex value; that is, the number of sides on which the paper is printed.

The default value is Duplex_Simplex; that is, printing is single-sided.

The duplex options provided by the Printer class are listed in the following table.

Printer Class Constant Integer Value Description
Duplex_Horizontal 3 Prints on both sides of the paper to read by flipping over like a notepad (that is, the duplex Short Side setting
Duplex_Simplex 1 Print is output to one side of the paper only
Duplex_Vertical 2 Prints on both sides of the paper to read by turning like a book (that is, the duplex Long Side setting)

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the duplex property.

app.printer.duplex := app.printer.Duplex_Horizontal;

This property cannot be modified after printing has begun. For details about retaining the setting of this property when the printer is closed, see the Printer class retainCMDValues property.