Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > report



The report method of the JadeProfiler class outputs profile statistics of times spent in JADE methods to the file specified in the fileName property. In JADE thin client mode, profiler output is always output to the workstation that is running the JADE logic; that is, to the application server.

The JadeProfiler class methodCount, reportActualTime, reportCacheStatistics, reportLoadTime, reportMethodSize, reportStatistics, and reportTotalTime properties enable you to tailor the number of methods that are profiled and the details that are reported.

If you do not specify the fileName property or it has a null value, the profile statistics are output to the JadeProf.log file in the path specified by the ResultsFile parameter in the [JadeProfiler] section of the JADE initialization file, if any. If a path is not specified in this property, the file is located in the log file directory, specified by using the LogDirectory parameter in the [JadeLog] section of the JADE initialization file. (For details, see the JADE Initialization File Reference.)

Depending on the values of the reportActualTime, reportCacheStatistics, reportLoadTime, reportMethodSize, reportStatistics, and reportTotalTime properties, the report produced by this method can contain six sections, as follows.

When you call the report method and there is an existing profile file, records are appended to existing records, indicated by start and finish times.

Commands provided by the JADE User Interrupt Profiler submenu enable you to profile an application that is currently running. For details, see Chapter 1, "Running a JADE User Application", in the JADE Runtime Application Guide.