Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1    System Classes

Chapter 1    System Classes

JADE provides system classes. System classes are standard classes whose instances provide properties and methods to encapsulate the behavior of objects in your JADE applications. This chapter contains the classes summarized in the following table, and is divided into two volumes.

This volume (Volume 1) contains system (non-GUI) classes in the range ActiveXAutomation class through JadeSkin class, inclusive. Volume 2 (that is, EncycloSys2.pdf) contains system (non-GUI) classes in the range JadeSkinApplication class through WebSession class, inclusive.

Class Description
ActiveXAutomation Provides a superclass for each subclass created when an ActiveX automation object is imported
ActiveXInterface Provides a superclass for all interfaces of imported ActiveX automation and control objects
ActiveXInvokeException Defines behavior for exceptions that occur as a result of accessing an ActiveX property or invoking an ActiveX method
Application Common superclass in the RootSchema for Application classes defined in subschemas
ApplicationContext Stores transient instances of the application, package, process, and schema for the main application in which a package is imported and for each package application when a process begins
Array Encapsulates behavior required to access entries in an ordered collection of like objects in which the member objects are referenced by their position in the collection
BinaryArray Stores and retrieves binaries in an array of Binary primitive types
BooleanArray Stores and retrieves Boolean values in an array of Boolean primitive types
Btree Encapsulates behavior required to access entries in a collection by a key (index)
ByteArray Stores and retrieves characters in an array of Byte primitive types
CharacterArray Stores and retrieves characters in an array of Character primitive types
Class Metaclass of all other JADE classes; that is, contains the definition of all JADE classes
CMDialog Encapsulates behavior for the common dialog subclasses
CMDColor Enables access to the common Color dialog
CMDFileOpen Enables access to the common File Open dialog
CMDFileSave Enables access to the common File Save dialog
CMDFont Enables access to the common Font dialog
CMDPrint Enables access to the common print dialogs
Collection Defines the common protocol for all collection subclasses
Connection Provides a generalized interface for communicating with external systems
ConnectionException Defines behavior for exceptions that occur as a result of communicating with external systems
ConstantNDict Holds references to instances of Constant (or instances of subclasses)
CurrencyFormat Stores Windows locale currency information
Database Encapsulates the definition of a database for a schema, including the database files and the class mappings to those files
DateArray Stores and retrieves dates in an array of Date primitive types
DateFormat Stores Windows locale date information
DbFile Encapsulates the definition of a database file and provides methods to perform file-level operations
DbFileArray Stores and retrieves objects from an array of database files
DeadlockException Defines behavior for exceptions that occur as a result of deadlocks
DecimalArray Stores and retrieves decimals in an array of Decimal primitive types
Dictionary Encapsulates behavior for storing and retrieving objects in a collection by a user-defined key
DynaDictionary Encapsulates the behavior required to access entries in member key dictionary subclasses (that is, in dictionaries in which the keys are properties in the member objects)
Exception Defines the protocol for raising and responding to exception conditions
ExceptionHandlerDesc Describes an exception handler that is currently armed
ExternalArray Represents rows in a result set generated from an SQL query containing a sort specification
ExternalCollection Provides the common protocol for external collection classes
ExternalDatabase Represents a connection to an external database
ExternalDictionary Represents the rows in a result set generated from an SQL query with an ORDER BY sort specification
ExternalIterator Encapsulates behavior required to sequentially access elements of a collection
ExternalObject Base class for all external database classes
ExternalSet Represents rows in a result set generated from an SQL query that has no sort specification
ExtKeyDictionary Encapsulates the behavior required to access entries in external key dictionary subclasses
FatalError Encapsulates behavior required for serious internal faults
File Enables you to read and write disk files, either sequentially or with random access
FileException Defines behavior for exceptions that occur as a result of file handling
FileFolder Contains a collection of files or subdirectories
FileNode Contains the properties and methods common to the File class and FileFolder class
FileNodeArray Stores and retrieves objects from an array of file nodes
Global Provides a means by which application-specific data can be shared among users of an application
GUIClass Metaclass containing the definition of all Graphical User Interface (GUI) classes
HugeStringArray Stores and retrieves large strings in an array of String primitive types
IDispatch Provides a superclass for all ActiveX automation and control classes created in JADE during the ActiveX type library import process
IDispatchArray Stores and retrieves objects from an array of IDispatch objects
Integer64Array Stores and retrieves integers in an array of Integer64 primitive types
IntegerArray Stores and retrieves integers in an array of Integer primitive types
IntegrityViolation Defines the behavior of exceptions raised as a result of integrity rule violations
InternetPipe Provides an interface for communicating with JADE applications from the Internet through an Internet server
Iterator Encapsulates behavior required to sequentially access elements of a collection
IUnknown Encapsulates the behavior implemented by all COM objects and inherited by all ActiveX interfaces
JadeAuditAccess Provides access to information recorded in database transaction journals in a form convenient for consumption by JADE applications
JadeBytes Stores and retrieves instances of unstructured data of arbitrary size
JadeDatabaseAdmin Provides an Application Programming Interface (API) to perform database operations
JadeDbFilePartition Provides an administrative API for manipulating and querying the state of database partitions
JadeDotNetInvokeException Defines behavior for exceptions that occur as a result of accessing a .NET property or invoking a .NET method
JadeDotNetType Provides a superclass for all imported .NET non-GUI types
JadeDynamicObject Encapsulates the behavior required to access entries in dynamic objects (that is, in objects that represent collection statistics)
JadeDynamicObjectArray Stores and retrieves objects from an array of JadeDynamicObject objects
JadeDynamicPropertyCluster Stores one or more dynamic properties used to extend a class
JadeGenericMessage Encapsulates the building and analysis of messages
JadeGenericMessagingIF Provides message arrival and queue management callback methods
JadeGenericQueue Encapsulates a destination for the transmission and retrieval of messages
JadeGenericQueueManager Encapsulates the management of a single messaging queue
JadeHTMLClass Implements the interface that enables you to support HTML pages in your JADE applications
JadeHTTPConnection Enables applications to access the standard Internet protocol HTTP
JadeIdentifierArray Stores and retrieves strings with a maximum length of 100 characters, which is the length of a JADE identifier
JadeInternetTCPIPConnection Implements the interface defined by the TcpIpConnection class specifically for the Internet Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) API
JadeLicenceInfo Encapsulates behavior required to get licence information
JadeLog Encapsulates behavior required to create text log files in JADE applications
JadeMessagingException Defines the behavior of exceptions that arise when using the messaging framework
JadeMessagingFactory Encapsulates the behavior for creating and opening messaging queues
JadeMetadataAnalyzer Encapsulates behavior required to analyze JADE metadata
JadeMethodContext Provides an interface for invoking asynchronous method calls
JadeMultiWorkerTcpConnection Provides an interface for sharing the messages arriving on client connections among a pool of worker server JADE applications
JadeMultiWorkerTcpTransport Encapsulates behavior required for multiple user TCP/IP connections between JADE systems
JadeMultiWorkerTcpTransportIF Provides TCP/IP multiple worker connection event callback methods
JadePatchControlInterface Encapsulates behavior required to dynamically access patch versioning information
JadePrintData Encapsulates the behavior required for report output data subclasses (that is, for direct print or preview)
JadePrintDirect Provides output report output to be sent directly to the printer
JadePrintPage Encapsulates behavior required to hold a page of printed output for preview
JadeProfiler Encapsulates behavior required to configure what is profiled and reported in the JADE Interpreter
JadeRelationalAttributeIF Provides an interface to expose soft attributes in a relational view
JadeRelationalEntityIF Provides an interface to expose soft entities, which are mapped to a table in the relational view
JadeRelationalQueryProviderIF Provides a search implementation that optimally finds and filters instances of a soft entity
JadeReport Encapsulates behavior required to access an entire printed report
JadeReportWriterManager Provides a superclass for each JADE Report Writer Configuration or Designer application
JadeReportWriterReport Provides methods that enable you to dynamically override JADE Report Writer details at run time
JadeReportWriterSecurity Provides a superclass for all user JadeReportWriterSecurity subclasses
JadeRestService Defines the behavior of REST-style Web service applications
JadeRpsDataPumpIF Provides an interface for managing output sent to a relational database from an RPS Datapump application
JadeSerialPort Provides methods for communicating with external systems through a serial port
JadeSkin Stores JADE skins and encapsulates behavior required to maintain JADE skins
JadeSkinApplication Stores JADE skins for forms and controls in applications
JadeSkinArea Encapsulates behavior required to define and maintain rectangular skin areas
JadeSkinCategory Stores skin category definitions
JadeSkinControl Encapsulates behavior required to define and maintain skins for controls
JadeSkinEntity Encapsulates behavior required to define and maintain skin entities
JadeSkinForm Encapsulates behavior required to define and maintain skins for forms
JadeSkinMenu Encapsulates behavior required to define and maintain skins for menus
JadeSkinRoot Stores dictionaries that reference skin entities
JadeSkinSimpleButton Stores skin definitions for simple buttons in all four states (that is, up, down, disabled, and rollover)
JadeSkinWindow Stores the defined image and category of all skins
JadeSkinWindowStateImage Stores images of window areas for specific states (that is, up, down, disabled, and rollover)
JadeSOAPException Defines the behavior of exceptions that occur as a result of Web services
JadeSSLContext Implements the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol that supports digital certificates over secure connections
JadeTableCell Internally created proxy class providing direct access to table cells
JadeTableColumn Internally created proxy class providing direct access to table columns
JadeTableElement Internally created proxy class encapsulating behavior required to directly access table elements
JadeTableRow Internally created proxy class providing direct access to table rows
JadeTableSheet Internally created proxy class providing direct access to table sheets
JadeTcpIpProxy Implements TCP/IP network proxy support that enables you to open a TCP/IP network connection through a proxy host
JadeTestCase Provides unit testing functionality for user-written test subclasses
JadeTestListenerIF Provides callback methods on the progress and results of unit testing
JadeTestRunner Enables you to run unit test methods in subclasses of the JadeTestCase class
JadeTransactionTrace Enables you to identify objects that are updated, created, and deleted within a transaction
JadeUserCollClass Enables you to create a user collection class at run time
JadeWebService Maintains all Web service information
JadeWebServiceConsumer Defines the behavior of Web service consumers loaded into your application
JadeWebServiceProvider Defines the behavior of Web service provider applications
JadeWebServiceSoapHeader Defines the behavior of SOAP headers in Web service provider applications
JadeWebServiceUnknownHeader Represents an unknown SOAP header in a Web service provider application
JadeX509Certificate Stores digital certificates in X509 format for use with the JadeSSLContext class that provides secure connections
JadeXMLAttribute Represents an attribute of an XML element in an XML document tree
JadeXMLCDATA Represents a CDATA section in an XML document tree
JadeXMLCharacterData Abstract superclass of character-based nodes in an XML document tree
JadeXMLComment Represents a comment in an XML document tree
JadeXMLDocument Represents an XML document as a tree of nodes
JadeXMLDocumentParser Represents the interface for parsing XML documents into a tree of objects
JadeXMLDocumentType Represents the document type declaration in an XML document tree
JadeXMLElement Represents an XML element in an XML document tree
JadeXMLException Defines behavior for exceptions that occur as a result of XML processing
JadeXMLNode Abstract superclass of all nodes in an XML document tree
JadeXMLParser Abstract transient-only class that provides the interface for parsing XML documents
JadeXMLProcessingInstruction Represents a processing instruction in an XML document tree
JadeXMLText Represents the textual content within an XML document tree
List Encapsulates behavior required to reference objects by their position in the collection
Locale Defines the locales (languages) supported by a schema
LocaleFormat Defines the common protocol for locale format information
LocaleFullInfo Provides Windows locale information for the current workstation
LocaleNameInfo Provides Windows locale name information for the current workstation
Lock Describes the lock requests maintained by the system
LockArray Stores and retrieves objects in an array of locks
LockContentionInfo Stores information about lock contentions for a target persistent object
LockException Defines the behavior of exceptions raised as a result of locking conflicts
MemberKeyDictionary Encapsulates the behavior required to access entries in member key dictionary subclasses
MenuItem Contains the definition of each menu command (item) on a menu
MergeIterator Encapsulates behavior required to sequentially access elements of a two or more compatible dictionaries
MethodCallDesc Provides information at run time about currently active method calls
MultiMediaType Provides the behavior for all types of multimedia subclasses
NamedPipe Provides a generalized interface for communicating with external systems
Node Class for which an instance exists for each node in a system
NormalException Superclass of all non-fatal exceptions
Notification Superclass for objects that describe the notifications maintained by the system
NotificationArray Stores and retrieves objects from an array of notifications
NotificationException Defines behavior for exceptions that occur as a result of notifications
NumberFormat Stores Windows locale numeric information
Object Defines default behavior for all other classes in the schema
ObjectArray Stores and retrieves objects in an array
ObjectByObjectDict Encapsulates the behavior required to map one object to another object
ObjectLongNameDict Encapsulates the behavior for accessing the long names of objects
ObjMethodCallDesc Provides information at run time about currently active method calls made to object methods (that is, methods defined on classes as opposed to primitive types)
ObjectSet Stores and retrieves objects in a set
ODBCException Defines behavior for exceptions that occur as a result of ODBC communications
OleObject Stores the Object Linking and Editing (OLE) object images for the OleControl class
PointArray Stores and retrieves points in an array of Point primitive types
PrimMethodCallDesc Provides information at run time about currently active methods calls made to primitive methods
Printer Handles printing
Process Class for which an instance exists for each process in the system
ProcessDict Encapsulates the behavior required to access process objects in a dictionary
ProcessStackArray Encapsulates the behavior required to access method calls in the process stack array
RealArray Stores and retrieves Real values in an array of Real primitive types
Rectangle Encapsulates the dimensions of a rectangle
RelationalView Enables views to be defined for use by the RPS Datapump application and to allow relational tools to access JADE
RootSchemaSession Defines the common protocol for all Web session classes in subschemas
Schema Represents the object model for a specific application domain
SchemaEntity Superclass of a number of classes that participate in the definition of a schema
SchemaEntityNumberDict Stores references to instances of subclasses of the SchemaEntity class
Script Encapsulates the behavior of schema entities that have source code
Set Encapsulates the behavior of collection set classes
SortActor Contains properties that enable you to specify the precedence of records in the File class
SortActorArray Container for SortActor objects
Sound Contains the properties and methods for the sound multimedia type
StringArray Stores and retrieves strings in an array of String primitive types
StringUtf8Array Stores and retrieves strings in an array of StringUtf8 primitive types
System One instance of this class exists, representing an entire JADE system (that is, the installed JADE environment)
SystemException Superclass of all exceptions relating to errors detected by the JADE kernel
TcpIpConnection Implements the interface defined by the Connection class specifically for the TCP/IP API
TimeArray Stores and retrieves times in an array of Time primitive types
TimeFormat Stores Windows locale time information
TimeStampArray Stores and retrieves timestamps in an array of TimeStamp primitive types
TimeStampIntervalArray Stores and retrieves timestamp intervals in an array of TimeStampInterval primitive types
TranslatableString Stores locale-dependent text to be displayed when a client is running an application
Type Superclass of all class and primitive type meta classes
UserInterfaceException Defines behavior for exceptions relating to the handling of windows
WebSession Maintains Internet session information

For details of user-interface (GUI) classes and their associated constants, properties, methods, and events, see Chapter 2, "Window Classes", in Volume 3.