Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > JadeHTTPConnection Class

JadeHTTPConnection Class

The JadeHTTPConnection class enables applications to access the standard Internet protocol HTTP. For ease of use, this class abstracts this protocol into a high-level interface. The underlying implementation uses the Microsoft default WinHTTP library or the WinINet library (using the respective EnableWinHTTP or EnableWinINET parameter in the [JadeEnvironment] section of the JADE initialization file). If you want to use this feature on the server or in a service, you will need to use the default WinHTTP library option.

A basic understanding of the HTTP protocol is required to use this feature. The two Requests for Comments (RFCs) that define this protocol are:

For details about the constants, properties, and methods defined in the JadeHTTPConnection class, see "JadeHTTPConnection Class Constants", "JadeHTTPConnection Properties", and "JadeHTTPConnection Methods", in the following subsections.

