Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > MethodCallDesc Class

MethodCallDesc Class

The MethodCallDesc class provides information at run time about currently active method calls. It is the abstract class that defines the behavior of the MethodCallDesc objects that contain a reference to prior method call descriptions.

MethodCallDesc objects are used to represent the execution history of a JADE application thread and they are linked together in a stack. These objects are created only on demand, when it is necessary to take a "snapshot" of the current execution stack.

Use the currentStack method of the Process class to obtain the call stack for the current process. In addition, when an exception is raised, a MethodCallDesc object is attached to the Exception object, to represent the method and position where the exception was raised. ObjMethodCallDesc objects are created when the receiver is an instance of a class. PrimMethodCallDesc objects are created when the receiver is a primitive value.

For details about the properties and methods defined in the MethodCallDesc class, see "MethodCallDesc Properties" and "MethodCallDesc Methods", in the following subsections.


ObjMethodCallDesc, PrimMethodCallDesc