Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > currentStack


currentStack(procStack: ProcessStackArray);

The currentStack method of the Process class populates the process stack array specified in the procStack parameter with references to method call descriptor objects. The process stack array represents a snapshot of the current execution history of the application thread of the current process. For more details, see "MethodCallDesc Class".

An exception is raised if an attempt is made to call this method for a process other than the current process.

As this method creates transient instances of the MethodCallDesc class, it is the responsibility of the method caller to purge the collection used by the method to delete these transient instances. The collection should be purged before the deletion of the process stack array passed to the method in the procStack parameter.

The following example shows an Exception method called from your exception handler.

    callStack    : ProcessStackArray;
    methCallDesc : MethodCallDesc;
    create callStack;
    // get the stack for the current process
    // iterate through the process stack array and display each
    // MethodCallDesc
    foreach methCallDesc in callStack do
        write methCallDesc.display;
    // before finishing, delete the transient MethodCallDesc
    // objects created by the currentStack method
    delete callStack;