Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > MethodCacheLimit


Integer prefix multiplier



The MethodCacheLimit parameter specifies the maximum amount of memory that is allocated for an interpreter method cache.

The optimum value for this parameter varies, depending on the:

The minimum value is 64K bytes.

When a single cache for all processes within a node is used, this parameter takes effect when the node is initialized.

When multiple caches are used, the parameter takes effect when a process is initiated.


When a JADE method is executed, the JADE interpreter must load the method code into the interpreter method cache for execution. The current copy is used if the method is not in use, it is already loaded in the cache, and it has not been modified. If a method is called frequently, tuning the cache size may result in substantial time-savings.

Refer to the method load times and cache overflow sections in your profile report to determine method load counts and the amount by which the method cache limit is exceeded. For details about reporting profile information and tracing methods in runtime applications, see "Reporting Profile Statistics" under "Profiling an Application", in Chapter 1 of the JADE Runtime Application Guide.

If you specify a MethodCache parameter value of Multiple when you are running in JADE thin client mode, up to the maximum amount of memory that you allocate by using the MethodCacheLimit parameter may be allocated for each end user. When you set cache parameters and you have a lot of JADE nodes, you need to consider the resource that is available on the machine as a whole.