Product Information > JADE Runtime Application Guide > Chapter 1 - Running a JADE User Application > Profiling an Application

Profiling an Application

The Profiler command in the JADE User Interrupt submenu enables you to record actual and total times spent in JADE methods in an application.

Selecting the Start command starts the recording of times spent in JADE methods during the running of the selected application. These statistics continue to be recorded to memory until you terminate the application or you select the Stop command or the Report command.

The profile statistics are output to a file only when you select the Report command.

The statistics are cleared from memory when you perform one of the following actions.

To access the Profiler submenu

The Profiler submenu, containing commands that control the recording of your application profile statistics, is then displayed. Use these commands to optimize your JADE code, by analyzing the performance of your JADE methods.

The Profiler submenu commands are listed in the following table.

Method Description For details, see…
Start Starts the capture of profile statistics for the selected application Starting the Recording of Profile Statistics
Stop Stops the capture of profile statistics for the selected application Stopping the Recording of Profile Statistics
Reset Clears profile statistics Clearing Profile Statistics
Report Outputs profile information about time spent in JADE methods to a file Reporting Profile Statistics

For details, see the following subsections.

In the JADE development environment, you can use system methods provided by the Process class to control the recording of profile statistics in specific methods, if required. For details, see "Process Class", in Chapter 1 of the JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes.