Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > JadeMetadataAnalyzer Class Constants

JadeMetadataAnalyzer Class Constants

The AccessCheckFailed constant is the compiler error code (6327 - Validation access check failed) returned by the validateMethod method when an access check callback returns a fail status. The JadeMetadataAnalyzer class constants listed in the following table define the names of statements that can be passed to the canAccessStatement method.

Constant Integer or String Value
AccessCheckFailed 6327
Statement_AbortTransaction abortTransaction
Statement_AbortTransientTran abortTransientTransaction
Statement_BeginLoad beginLoad
Statement_BeginLock beginLock
Statement_BeginTransaction beginTransaction
Statement_BeginTransientTran beginTransientTransaction
Statement_Break break
Statement_Call call
Statement_CommitTransaction commitTransaction
Statement_CommitTransientTran commitTransientTransaction
Statement_Continue continue
Statement_Create create
Statement_Delete delete
Statement_EndLoad endLoad
Statement_EndLock endLock
Statement_Foreach foreach
Statement_If if
Statement_ImportMethod importMethod
Statement_InheritMethod inheritMethod
Statement_OnException on
Statement_RaiseException raise
Statement_Read read
Statement_Return return
Statement_Terminate terminate
Statement_While while
Statement_Write write