Product Information > JADE Developer’s Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Language Reference > read Instruction

read Instruction

The read instruction displays the User Input dialog, enabling you to specify the value of the primitive type variable that is required.


The syntax of the read instruction is:

read primitive-type-variable;

The variable can be of any primitive type.


The current value of the specified primitive type variable is displayed in the text box, by default. If the variable is of type Any, the input is handled as a String.

The length of data that can be returned when a string is updated by the read instruction is 2048 characters.

You can use the ReadEnabled parameter in the [JadeInterpreter] section of the JADE initialization file to disable the display of the User Input dialog by a read instruction.

To specify a variable value

  1. In the text box of the User Input dialog, specify the value for the variable that is being read. For example, if your test method contains the following logic, specify the number that is being tested.

    read numberToTest;
    foreach count in 1 to numberToTest do
  2. Click the OK button.

    Alternatively, click the Cancel button to assign a null value to the variable.

The action that follows the read instruction in your method is then performed.

When JADE is running in thin client mode, the read instruction is always executed on the presentation client workstation.