Product Information > JADE Database Administration Guide > Chapter 4 - Encrypting the JADE Database > action


The action parameter specifies the database encryption function to initiate; for example:

jdbcrypt path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini
         action=EnableDatabaseEncryption ExportPath=c:\jade\system\crypt

An action of help or no action outputs help information. The jdbcrypt program action parameter commands are listed in the following table.

Action Description Parameters
ListStatus Lists the database and file encryption states [ListPartitions=true]
EnableDatabaseEncryption Enables database encryption ExportPath=file-path
DisableDatabaseEncryption Disables database encryption None
EncryptFile|EncryptFiles Marks files for encryption File=file-name|
    File1=file-name File2=file-name …|
EncryptFile Modifies mandatory full encryption MandatoryFullEncryption=true|false
DecryptFile|DecryptFiles Marks files for decryption File=file-name|
    File1=file-name File2=file-name …|
ApplyPendingChanges Applies all pending encryption or decryption changes None
ClearPendingChanges Clears all pending encryption or decryption changes None
ExportMasterKey Exports the master key ExportPath=file-path
ImportMasterKey Imports the master key ImportPath=file-path
ListStoredKeys Lists the persistent keys in the keystore [ListKeyDetails=true]
DeleteStoredKey Deletes a persistent key from the keystore StoredKeyName=key-name

For details, see "Database Encryption Actions", later in this chapter.