Product Information > JADE Database Administration Guide > Chapter 4 - Encrypting the JADE Database > DecryptFile and DecryptFiles

DecryptFile and DecryptFiles

The DecryptFile and DecryptFiles actions mark the specified file or files as decrypt-pending.

The syntax of the DecryptFile and DecryptFiles actions are as follows.

jdbcrypt path=database-path
         action=DecryptFile|DecryptFiles File=file-name|
                            File1=file-name File2=file-name …|

The DecryptFile and DecryptFiles actions require the manual entry of the master key passphrase.

The following is an example of the DecryptFile action.

jdbcrypt path=d:\dbcrypt ini=d:\salesdb\jade.ini action=DecryptFile File=cust

The file-name value is a complete map file name or a partial map file name with a trailing asterisk; for example, cust* means all map files that begin with the letters cust. Specify the file-name mask * (a single asterisk) to indicate decryption of all encrypted user files, including rootdef. Specify the mask _* (underscore asterisk) to indicate the decryption of all encryptable system files such as _userscm.

The following are examples of the DecryptFiles action.

jdbcrypt path=d:\dbcrypt ini=d:\salesdb\jade.ini action=DecryptFiles Files=*
jdbcrypt path=d:\dbcrypt ini=d:\salesdb\jade.ini action=DecryptFiles Files=cust*;_userscm;archive*;
jdbcrypt path=d:\dbcrypt ini=d:\salesdb\jade.ini action=DecryptFiles File1=testdb File2=banking File3=_userdev

The action fails if a complete file name does not match a database map file name. A file name mask with no matches generates a warning.

You can repeat these actions multiple times and you can interleave them with EncryptFile or EncryptFiles actions. The DecryptFile and DecryptFiles actions only mark the specified files as decrypt-pending; the file contents are not decrypted until the next ApplyPendingChanges action.