Product Information > JADE Database Administration Guide > Chapter 4 - Encrypting the JADE Database > ExportMasterKey


The ExportMasterKey action exports the master key. The syntax of the ExportMasterKey action is as follows.

jdbcrypt path=database-path
         action=ExportMasterKey ExportPath=file-path

The ExportMasterKey action requires the manual entry of the master key passphrase. This action fails unless the EnableDatabaseEncryption action included the MultipleExport=true parameter and value.

The ExportPath parameter value is the name of the directory to which the file containing the exported key is written. The name of the file is defined by the database encryption UUID and timestamp; for example:


The following is an example of the ExportMasterKey action.

jdbcrypt path=d:\dbcrypt ini=d:\salesdb\jade.ini action=ExportMasterKey ExportPath=d:\jade\security\prodsales