Translating Control Properties

When the forms management style of the schema is FormsMngmt_Single_Multi (2) and you press F6 or Shift+F6 in the right column of the row of one of the properties listed in the following table, the Add String dialog or Select String dialog, respectively, is then displayed, which enables you to select the translatable string to apply to the control selected on the form.

Property Class and its Subclasses in which the Property Value Can be Translated
bubbleHelp Window
caption Button , CheckBox, JadeDockBase, Form, Frame, GroupBox, JadeMask, Label, MenuItem, OptionButton, Sheet, StatusLine
helpKeyword MenuItem , Window
mask JadeEditMask
text JadeEditMask , TextBox

The name of the string prefixed with a dollar sign ($), rather than the string definition itself, is then displayed in the property value column; for example, $Agent_Commission_Rates.

When the Schema class formsManagement property is set to FormsMngmt_Single_Multi (2), forms are loaded from and saved to the schema default locale, regardless of the current locale. When the value of a translatable property is changed and the value looks like the name of a translatable string, a lookup is performed for a matching translatable string.

If a valid translatable string is located, the value of it is painted on the form instead of the property text. If the translatable string is not valid (that is, it is not found or it takes parameters), the property text is painted; for example, $Agent_Commission_Rates.

For details about defining and selecting translatable strings, see "Defining Translatable Strings from the Editor Pane" and "Inserting a Translatable String into an Existing Jade Method", respectively, in Chapter 4. For details about forms management styles, see "Forms Translation Styles", in Chapter 11.