
Type: Integer

Availability: Read-only at any time

The mask property of the JadeEditMask control contains a concatenated series of symbols that define the characteristics of the editing requirement and the actions to be taken. The mask property enables you to define the edit mask:

A string of concatenated symbols cannot contain spaces between the symbols.

This property can be translated when the value of the Schema class formsManagement property is FormsMngmt_Single_Multi (2).

The valid edit mask symbols are listed in the following table. (Note that the MMM month abbreviation for dates in the Symbol column indicates the three-character month abbreviation. Although a locale may have more than three characters for the full abbreviation, Jade uses only the first three.)

Symbol Description Comments
A Alpha (entry required). a through z or A through Z.
a Alpha character (entry optional). a through z or A through Z.
9 Numeric (entry required). 0 through 9.
# Numeric (entry optional). 0 through 9.
C Character (entry required). Any character.
c Character (entry optional). Any character.
ddMMyy Date with 2-digit year and numeric month. Example: 230901. The date is expected in current locale order.
ddMMMyy Date with 2-digit year and three‑character alpha month abbreviation. Example: 23Sep01. The date is expected in current locale order and month name format.
ddMMyyyy Date with 4-digit year and numeric month. Example: 23092001. The date is expected in current locale order.
ddMMMyyyy Date with 4-digit year and three‑character alpha month abbreviation. Example: 23Sep2001. The date is expected in current locale order and month name format.
dd<d>MM<d>yy Date with 2-digit year and numeric month. Fields separated by the same delimiter (any character). Example: 23/09/01. The date is expected in the current locale order.
dd<d>MMM<d>yy Date with 2-digit year and three‑character alpha month abbreviation. Fields separated by the same delimiter (any character). Example: 23/Sep/01. The date is expected in current locale order and month name format.
dd<d>MM<d>yyyy Date with 4-digit year and numeric month. Fields separated by the same delimiter (any character). Example: 23/09/2001. The date is expected in current locale order.
dd<d>MMM<d>yyyy Date with 4-digit year and three‑character alpha month abbreviation. Fields separated by the same delimiter (any character). Example: 23/Mar/2001. The date is expected in current locale order and month name format.
dd Day of the month. Separate day number field.
MM Month number. Separate month number field.
MMM Three-character alphanumeric abbreviation of the month. Separate month name field in current locale format.
yy 2-digit year. Separate 2-digit year field.
yyyy 4-digit year. Separate 4-digit year field.
hh Hour. Hour number in the range 0 through 23.
mm Minutes. Minute number in the range 0 through 59.
ss Seconds. Second number in the range 0 through 59.
> Uppercase next character. Takes effect only if the next mask character is A, a, C, or c.
>> Uppercase all characters following in this text box Applies only to mask characters A, a, C, or c. field.
< Lowercase next character. Takes effect only if the next mask character is A, a, C, or c.
<< Lowercase all characters following in this text box field. Applies only to mask characters A, a, C, or c.
\ Treat the next character as a literal. To insert a \ character into the mask, use \\. Similarly, to enter a specific locale‑dependent character (for example, use \: for :).
" Start of a text string terminated by the next double quote " symbol. Example: ">". To insert a quote character, use \". This symbol is the double quote character only.
H<numeric> Height of this control (label or text box) field. Numeric can be any length. Field terminated by the next non-numeric value.
L<numeric> Left position of this control (label or text box) field. Numeric can be any length. Field terminated by the next non-numeric value.
T<numeric> Top position of this control (label or text box) field. Numeric can be any length. Field terminated by the next non-numeric value.
W<numeric> Width of a segment (label or text box) of the mask, except for the last segment, which always extends to the right‑hand edge of the control. Numeric can be any length. Field terminated by the next non-numeric value; for example, W30"Date"@dd/MMM/yyyy, where the label is created with a width of 30.
R Field is right‑aligned. Default value is left-aligned.
. Decimal point. Actual character expected is locale‑dependent.
- Negative sign. Actual character expected is locale‑dependent.
, Numeric separator. Separator is automatically inserted into the numeric as the number is entered. The actual character is locale‑dependent.
/ Date separator. Actual character is locale‑dependent.
: Time separator. Actual character is locale-dependent.
$ Currency symbol. Actual character is locale‑dependent.
| List of valid characters that can be entered for the character position. For example: 'A|abc|' means only a, b, or c can be entered into the alpha field. Can only follow edit mask types A, a, C, or c.
[ Start of numeric range for previous # or 9 numeric field. Must be an integer type field. For example: '##9[0-255]' means the 3-digit numeric field must be in the range 0 through 255.
] End of numeric range field else a literal if there was no corresponding [ symbol. See above (that is, the comments for the [ symbol).
@ End of current label or text box. A new field is begun. Previous field is a label if it consists only of literals. For example, '999@-@999' to define two numeric fields split by a dash character label.
Any other symbol Treated as a literal. For details, see the first item in the following list.

When using the JadeEditMask class mask property, note the following points.