Specifying Your Schema Options

The Schema Options sheet of the Extract dialog is displayed when you have specified your extract options and you select the Schema Options sheet, to enable you to specify the parts of the schema that are to be extracted.

An example of the Schema Options sheet is shown in the following image.

When you extract multiple schemas to a file, the schema options apply to all of the schemas that you extract to the file.

To specify your schema options

  1. In the Global Constants group box, select the global constants that are to be extracted. For a full extract (the Extract All option was selected on the Extract Options sheet), all global constants in the schema are extracted by default. For a selective extract, only the global constants that are used in your methods are extracted by default.

    Select the Extract All option button if you want all global constants in the schema to be extracted. Select the None option button if you do not want any global constants to be extracted.

  2. In the Translatable Strings/User Formats group box, select the translatable strings and user formats that are to be extracted.

    For a full extract (the Extract All option was selected on the Extract Options sheet), all translatable strings and user formats in the schema are extracted by default. For a selective extract, only the translatable strings and user formats that are used in the schema are extracted by default.

    Select the Extract All option button if you want all translatable strings and user formats extracted. Select the None option button if you do not want any to be extracted.

  3. In the External Functions group box, select the external functions that are to be extracted.

    For a full extract (the Extract All option was selected in the Extract Options sheet), all external functions in the schema are extracted by default. For a selective extract, only the external functions that are used in your methods are extracted by default.

    Select the Extract All option button if you want all external functions extracted. Select the None option button if you do not want any to be extracted.

  4. Check the Encrypt Sources check box if you want to encrypt the Jade method source code in your extract file. By default, extracted source code is not encrypted; that is, this check box is unchecked.

    Source encryption provides security when you release schema extract files, as the source code is not easily visible (for example, when you deploy an application to a third‑party). For details, see "Encrypting Schema Source Files", later in this chapter.

    Ensure that you extract the encrypted schema to a location different from that of your source schema. If you subsequently load the encrypted schema (for example, for testing purposes), your method source code is lost if you load it into the same database that contains your original source files, as they are not saved during the decryption process.

    As schema and form definition files are treated as binary files, if the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used to transfer schema and forms definition files between machines, you must ensure that the transfer is done in binary mode (rather than ASCII) to prevent the removal of carriage return characters, particularly when schemas are encrypted.

  5. Check the Extract Skins check box if you want to extract Jade skins defined for runtime applications. By default, skins are not extracted; that is, this check box is unchecked.

    Skins are stored in a global collection that is available to all runtime applications in all systems in your Jade database. When you extract skins, all skins in the Jade database defined for runtime applications are extracted to your form and data definition (.ddb or .ddx) file.

    For more details, see "Using Jade Skins in Your Runtime Applications", in Chapter 2 of the Runtime Application Guide.

  6. If patch control is disabled and you do not want to create a command file, uncheck the Create Command File check box. If patch versioning:

    • Was never used in the system, this check box is disabled and not checked.

    • Has been used but is now disabled, this check box is enabled and checked.

    • Is enabled, this check box is checked but you can uncheck it to stop the creation of command files, if required.

    The Unset Extract option 'Create JCF Command File' check box on the Source Management sheet of the Preferences dialog enables you to specify whether this check box is checked by default.

    The command file, shown in the example in the following image, is created with a suffix of .jcf (Jade command file) in the location of the schema and forms definition files.

    This file contains a header section, followed by a separate line for each command to be processed.

    As the extracted commands are a guide only, you should check the commands before you make the Jade command file available to load into a deployed application by using the batch Schema Load utility. For details, see "Loading Schemas in Batch Mode using jadloadb", in the Schema Load User's Guide.

    The command file automatically extracts only deleted classes and properties, renamed classes and properties, and moved classes.

    If you set the AbortOnError command in the file to True, processing of the command file is aborted when the first error is encountered in the file during the batch schema load process.

    When patch control is disabled, the command file contains header information only and you must enter the commands manually.

  7. Check the UTF‑8 Encoded check box if you want the extract file encoded as UTF‑8 with a Byte Order Mark (BOM). If you do not check this check box, the extract file is output in native ANSI or Unicode format.

    The Source Management sheet of the Preferences dialog enables you to specify whether this check box is checked by default.

  8. Check the Compact DDX check box if you want to extract compact DDX extract files. If you check this check box, the extracted DDX files exclude properties with null values for applications, forms, standard controls, and RPS mappings.

    Compact DDX files reduce the file size of the extracted file and improve loading performance. By default, this check box is not checked.

    A compact DDX file includes Compact="true" in the second line of the DDX file; for example:

    <schema name="Schema1" JadeVersionNumber="2022.0.02" Compact="true" JadePatchNumber="0" CompleteDefinition="true">

    This check box is enabled only if you are extracting DDX‑format files.

    Compact DDX files extracted in Jade 2022.0.02 and higher will not load into Jade 2022.0.01 or any earlier Jade releases.

  9. If you selected the Parameter File option button from the Extract Options group box, click the Parameters sheet. If you selected the Selective option button from the Extract Options group box, click the Selective sheet.

    Alternatively, click the OK button to confirm your selections, the Applications sheet to select your applications for extraction, or the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

2022.0.01 and higher