Using Methods Defined in RootSchema Classes

The following SDS administration methods provided by the JadeDatabaseAdmin class are not supported for RPS nodes. (An attempt to call these methods for an RPS node raises a runtime error.)

All other documented SDS administration methods provided by the JadeDatabaseAdmin class are supported for administering RPS nodes. For details, see Volume 1 of the Encyclopaedia of Classes.

The following table summarizes the RPS-related methods defined in other RootSchema classes and RPS‑related interfaces.

Method Class or Interface Description
rpsDataPumpFinalize Application Performs any terminate function for the Datapump application
rpsDataPumpInitialize Application Registers the receiver to be notified when a nominated event occurs on callbacks required to implement incremental object replication
getRpsMappingRefs Class Adds RPS mappings (instances of the RelationalView class) in which the receiver is used
hasRpsReferences Class Returns true if the receiver is referenced by one or more RPS mappings
createRpsDatabase JadeDatabaseAdmin Creates an RPS database for a specified schema and RPS mapping
getRpsMappedFiles JadeDatabaseAdmin Returns the name of the schema and RPS mapping of the receiver, and a reference to an array of all files in the mapping
rpsAuditSqlScriptForReplay JadeDatabaseAdmin Causes a special RPS callback audit record to be written to the current journal
rpsExtract Data JadeDatabaseAdmin Extracts a specified table or all tables on an RPS node, using specified parameter values
rpsExtractDataAll JadeDatabaseAdmin Extracts all tables in the RPS mapping on an RPS node, using specified parameter values
rpsExtractDataAzure JadeDatabaseAdmin Extracts all tables in a format appropriate for loading into an Azure SQL database from the client side using a bcp script
rpsExtractDataAzureSqlcmd JadeDatabaseAdmin Extracts all tables in a format appropriate for loading into an Azure SQL database from the server side using sqlcmd
rpsExtractDataUsingIniFileOptions JadeDatabaseAdmin Extracts a specified table or all tables on an RPS node, using values stored in the [JadeRps] section of the Jade initialization file
rpsGetDatabaseParameters JadeDatabaseAdmin Returns the name of the schema and RPS mapping, and the database replication mode (Mapped Extent or Full) of the RPS server node (the Working Set mode is deprecated in Jade 2020 and higher)
rpsStartDataPump JadeDatabaseAdmin Starts the RPS Datapump application on the RPS server node for the user name and corresponding password, and returns a boolean value indicating the success or failure of the action (this method must be run from the RPS node)
rpsStopDataPump JadeDatabaseAdmin Stops the RPS Datapump application on the RPS server node and returns a boolean value indicating the success or failure of the action
updateCallback JadeRpsDataPumpIF Adds, changes, or deletes a transaction in the relational database table
updateObjectEdition Object Increments the edition of the specified object by one
rpsSuppressTransactionDeletes Process Specifies on the primary system the transactions for which deletions are not to be replicated to the relational database
extractData RelationalView Extracts a specified table or all tables on an SDS secondary or an RPS node, using specified parameter values
extractDataAll RelationalView Extracts all tables in the RPS mapping on an SDS secondary or an RPS node, using specified parameter values
extractDataUsingIniFileOptions RelationalView Extracts a specified table or all tables on an SDS secondary or an RPS node, using values stored in the [JadeRps] section of the Jade initialization file
generateRpsTableCreationScript RelationalView Programmatically generates a script that creates the tables for an RPS mapping
getRpsMappedClasses RelationalView Adds classes that are involved in the RPS mapping to the specified set
versionRpsMapping RelationalView Versions the RPS mapping, if not already versioned, and returns the latest version of the RPS mapping
getAllRpsMappings Schema Returns a reference to an array of all RPS mappings in the receiver
getRpsMapping Schema Returns a reference to the specified RPS mapping in the receiver