
rpsAuditSqlScriptForReplay(sql: String);

The rpsAuditSqlScriptForReplay method of the JadeDatabaseAdmin class, when invoked on the primary system, writes a special callback audit record to the current journal. The callback record contains the contents of the sql parameter.

When an RPS node replays the callback audit record, the SQL string stored in the record is passed to the Datapump application for execution. If the script was audited within a transaction on the primary, it is executed before that transaction has been replayed on the target relational database.

If execution of the SQL script encounters an error, the script contents are saved to a file and database replication is halted. The error file is in the format Replay_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.log and is saved in a Failed subdirectory of the directory specified in the AutoScriptPath parameter in the [JadeRps] section of the Jade initialization file.

An administrator can investigate what went wrong and take corrective action before restarting the Datapump application on the RPS node. On restart, audited SQL scripts that failed are skipped.