


The SamplingLibraryInitialization parameter specifies the string that the Jade Object Manager passes to the user-supplied library when the Jade system initializes and automatic Jade node sampling is enabled (that is, when the SamplingNode parameter is set to true). You can use this parameter to specify any handshake or initialize information that your library requires.

If you are using the filesmpl sampling library provided by Jade, you can use this parameter to specify the name of the sampling file (and optionally the file path) to which sampling is output if you want output directed to a file with a name other than the default sampling.smp in a destination other than the Jade installation directory (that is, in the directory in which the jade.exe program is located). For details, see "Jade Sampling Libraries" under "Sampling Library Interface", later in this chapter.

If you are using the filesmpl or tcpsmpl Jade sampling library, you can set this parameter to "<null>" or "" so that sample values will not be output. For filesmpl, the values will not be written to a file. For tcpsmpl, the values will not be sent to a TCP/IP connection. Use this option in situations where node sampling needs to be enabled for the Process class getRequestStatistics method but no file or TCP/IP output is wanted. For more details, see "Direct Retrieval of Node Sampling Statistics", later in this chapter.