
getRequestStatistics(dynObj:        JadeDynamicObject input;
                     localOrRemote: Integer);

The getRequestStatistics method of the Process class retrieves node sampling values relating to the current process that is executing the method. The values are returned as properties of a JadeDynamicObject object.

You can use this method to directly retrieve node sampling information; for example, if you want to calculate resource usage over the duration of a transaction. The returned values include cumulative counters that are not reset by the method calls. Jade applications that use this method therefore need to compare values from one call to the next, to work out the value differences.

The cumulative values are held as 64‑bit unsigned integer values, and are copied to the dynamic object as Integer64 values. The maximum value before they wrap around to negative values is therefore 2^63 - 1 (approximately 8 Exabytes).

You should use the getRequestStatistics method only when node sampling is enabled. If node sampling is not enabled, this method returns zero (0) for all values other than for process ticks.

If the localOrRemote parameter is set to 1, the statistics for all requests invoked on the local node are returned as properties in the dynamic object specified in the dynObj parameter. If the localOrRemote parameter is set to 2, the statistics for all requests from the local node to remote nodes are returned as properties in the specified dynamic object.

The calling process is responsible for creating and deleting the JadeDynamicObject instance. Properties are added to the object when the method is first called. The object can then be used in subsequent calls.

For a list and explanations about the properties that are returned by this method, see "Process::getMethodProfileInfo Method", in Chapter 4 of the Object Manager Guide.

If the dynamic object passed to the method already contains properties but they do not match the properties to be returned, the existing dynamic object properties are removed and replaced with the appropriate properties. This method is most efficient when the properties match those to be returned.

You can call this method only with the current process as the receiver. An exception is raised if you attempt to call this method for a different process.