Specifying Additional Load Options

Use the Advanced Load Options dialog, displayed when you click the Advanced Options button on the Load Schema Source dialog, to specify additional, delta, and system parameters for your schema load. (See also "Loading Schemas using the Schema Load Utility", earlier in this document.)

The following image shows an example of the Advanced Load Options dialog.

To specify more load options

  1. In the Delete If Absent combo box, select when you want to confirm the deletion of any schema elements (such as classes, interfaces, properties, or methods) that exist in the Jade database but are not defined in the incoming schema file when you want to release Jade applications without method source code; for example, when you release a schema containing Jade applications. (For details about the deletion of missing elements, see "Confirmation of Deletion", in Chapter 10 of the Development Environment User's Guide.)

    The value that you specify or select in this combo box populates the Delete Properties If Absent and Delete Methods If Absent combo boxes. The Delete Properties If Absent and Delete Methods If Absent in steps 4 and 6 of this instruction provide you with more‑detailed control over the deletion of missing methods and properties, by selecting a different value for these elements, if required.

    An application in the database that is used in a package is not deleted (over‑written) when a complete schema definition containing that application is loaded.

    The values from which you can choose are listed in the following table.

    Option Action
    Confirm Prompt to confirm the deletion of any element that exists in the Jade database but is not defined in the incoming schema file (the default value)
    Never Never delete absent elements (no confirmation)
    Always Always delete absent elements (no confirmation)

    If you want to deploy patches at a user site without requiring any intervention at the site, select the Always value.

  2. Check the Suppress Warning Dialogs check box if you want to suppress warning dialogs resulting from compiling schema files (for example, class number conflict messages). Warning messages are then output only to the message log.

    Suppressing warning dialogs is useful when loading multiple schemas. (You can also set the SuppressWarningDialogs parameter in the [JadeCompiler] section of the Jade initialization file to true.)

  3. If you want to specify a value for the deletion of methods that differs from the value that you selected in the Delete If Absent combo box in step 2 of this instruction, select the required value in the Delete Methods If Absent combo box, using one of the values listed in the table in step 2 of this instruction.

  4. Check the Don’t Save Sources check box if you want to delete the source code from all Jade methods when the schema is loaded. By default, source code is retained when the schema is loaded.

    If you want to release a Jade environment that does not contain source code, you must perform a full schema load for all schema loads into that environment, check the Don’t Save Sources check box, and specify the compileUnchangedMethods argument with a value of true on the jadload command line.

    When the methods that are being loaded already exist and the source of those methods has not changed, the methods are not compiled. The source is not updated so it is therefore not deleted.

    For details about including recompiled methods in patch versioning when a patch is to be applied to a schema that does not have source available, see "Enabling or Disabling Patch Versioning" and "Setting Up a Patch Number", in Chapter 3 of the Development Environment Administration Guide.

  5. If you want to specify a value for the deletion of properties that differs from the value that you selected in the Delete If Absent combo box in step 2 of this instruction, select the required value in the Delete Properties If Absent combo box, using one of the values listed in the table in step 2 of this instruction.

  6. Check the Compile Unchanged Methods check box if you want all methods loaded from the schema file to be compiled during the load process, including those whose source is the same as their source in the database.

    By default, the load process skips methods whose source is the same as their source in the database (that is, this check box is unchecked).

    If you want to release a Jade environment that does not contain source code, you must perform a full schema load for all schema loads into that environment and check both the Don’t Save Sources check box in step 5 of this instructions and this Compile Unchanged Methods check box.

  7. In the Override Patch Version text box, specify a value in the range 1 through Max_Integer - 1 (that is, 2,147,483,646) if you want to override the patch version number in schema entities.

    All entities loaded in the schema file then have their patch version number set to the specified value, regardless of whether patch versioning is enabled for the schema. The specified value does not have to match an existing defined patch number. If the value is the same as an existing patch number, the state of the existing patch version is ignored (that is, the existing patch number in the schema file may be closed).

    A value of zero (0) or blank retains the patch numbers specified in the schema file.

  8. Check the Ignore Empty Methods check box if you want to override the default behavior when an empty method implementation is found while loading a schema file. The default behavior removes the existing source for the method and marks it as needing compilation (that is, if you do not check this check box, the default behavior is performed).

    Check this check box when you want to leave the existing source and code of a method with an empty implementation untouched during a schema load.

    The expected use of this check box occurs when an extracted schema that includes methods that had their source stripped is loaded into an environment where those methods had previously been loaded from an encrypted schema.

    Overriding the default behavior by checking this check box is considered potentially unsafe.

  9. Check the Allow Circular Packages check box if you want to allow a circular dependency between packages in the schema hierarchy; that is, to permit the loading of an incomplete package (for example, Schema1 exports Package1 and imports Package2, while Schema2 exports Package2 and imports Package1).

    When you subsequently create a package that would result in circularities, you are prompted to confirm that you want to continue and allow a circular dependency between packages in the schema hierarchy.

    By default, this check box is unchecked; that is, the packages that are available for import are those that would not result in circular dependencies in the schema hierarchy.

    If you load two schemas that are not circular and you load an importer before the exporter:

    • An incomplete schema is loaded.

    • The form and data definition file (.ddb or .ddx) is not loaded.

    • Exception 8527 (Load results in one or more incomplete schemas) is raised.

      When the StandardExitValues parameter in the [FaultHandling] section of the Jade initialization file is set to true, you can map this exception to generic exit value 8. (For details about generic exit values, see "Enabling the Use of Generic Exit Values for Windows", in Appendix A of the Installation and Administration Guide.)

    Incomplete schema definitions and their usages are resolved by loading the export definition and then reloading the importing files. (To completely resolve all of the interdependencies, more than two iterations may be required.)

    An incomplete schema is displayed with the background color of a versioned schema (which defaults to red) in the Schema Browser. The incomplete schema, its subschemas, Class Browser, and any wizards for that schema and subschemas, are not available. To make the Class Browser available, it is your responsibility to make the entire schema complete (by loading the exporting schema and then reloading the incomplete schema).

    An incomplete schema can be versioned, changing the background color, and not allowing the opening of a Class Browser on either version.

  10. Check the Replace Report View check box if you want a view file being loaded to replace any existing view with the same name. This removes view items (types, features, root collections, joins, and script methods) that are not in the incoming Jade Report Writer view extract file and are not used in any existing report definitions if a reporting view with the same name already exists. Those items that are used in existing reports are retained.

    By default, if a reporting view with the same name already exists, the views are merged.

  11. In the Delta Name text box, specify the delta into which all loaded methods will be checked out.

    When you specify a value in this text box, you must also specify a value in the Checkout User Name text box, in step 12 of this instruction. When you specify the delta and checkout user name and the specified delta does not exist, the load process fails if you have not checked the Create Delta if Missing check box in step 13 of this instruction.

  12. In the Checkout User Name text box, specify the checkout user name to associate with the delta into which the schema is loaded.

    When you specify a value in this text box, you must also specify a value in the Delta Name text box in step 11 of this instruction. When you specify the delta and checkout user name and the specified delta does not exist, the load process fails if you have not checked the Create Delta if Missing check box in step 13 of this instruction.

  13. Check the Create Delta if Missing check box if you want a delta created if you specify the name of a delta that does not exist in the Delta Name text box in step 11 of this instruction.

    By default, this check box is unchecked; that is, the delta is not created and the load process fails if you no do not check this check box and you specify values in the Delta Name and Checkout User Name text boxes in steps 11 and 12 of this instruction.

  14. Click the OK button. (Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.)

The Load Schema Source dialog is then redisplayed, to enable you to view your selected load parameters before starting the schema load process. (For details, see "Loading a Schema and Forms into a Jade Database", in the previous section.)