Confirmation of Deletion

Even if a class, interface, or schema definition is identified as being complete, you may not want to delete missing elements. For example, you might extract the definition of a class or definition and pass it on to another developer. In the meantime, that developer may have added methods of his or her own to that class or interface. (In a sense, developers each have their own "complete" definition of the class or interface, and these must be merged.)

The second developer does not want methods to be deleted when the extracted class or interface that you provided is loaded. The situation may be even more serious at the schema level, where entire classes or interfaces may be deleted inadvertently without some safeguards. To protect against this possibility, you are prompted to confirm deletion of elements when you load a schema file.

A confirmation dialog is displayed for each element or group of elements that are candidates for deletion. The Confirmation dialog provides the buttons listed in the following table.

Button Action
Yes Confirms the current deletion only.
Yes to All Confirms the current and all subsequent deletions. No further confirmation is requested.
No Prevents the current deletion only.
No to All Prevents the current and all subsequent deletions. No further confirmation is requested.
Cancel Cancels the load.

By default, you are prompted for confirmation of deletion. To override this default action, select the appropriate option button from the Schema Merge group box of the Advanced Load Options dialog. For details, see "Specifying Advanced Load Options", later in this chapter.

For details about using target arguments to control the behavior of schema element deletion when loading a schema using the Schema Load utility (jadload), see "Loading Schemas using the Schema Load Utility", in the Schema Load User's Guide.