
Type: String

Availability: Read or write at run time only

The textUser property of the JadeEditMask control contains the concatenated user text of the text box fields of the control, excluding any literal text.

When setting the text value of the control, that text must be valid according to the mask property rules.

Accessing the textUser property value returns the concatenated text of each text box field with all literal characters removed. This text is stripped back to the last non-prompt character, with each prior prompt character replaced by a space. For example:

For a right-aligned field, accessing the textUser property returns the text right-aligned with blanks on the front of the string for any un-entered data. For example, the returned string for an edit mask of '#####9' with a value of _____9 is ' 9'.

To automatically handle locale formatting, use the getTextAs… methods getTextAsDate, getTextAsDecimal, getTextAsInteger, getTextAsInteger64, getTextAsReal and getTextAsTime methods and their corresponding setTextFrom… methods.

A JadeEditMask control expects the data string to be formatted according to the locale that the control is using (for details, see the languageId property). Setting the text or textUser property validates the text on the basis of that locale definition format for numbers, dates, times, and so on. Retrieving the text or textUser property strings returns the same string (that is, no locale conversion is performed).

Setting the textUser property of a control to the returned value must be valid according to the mask property rules.

Any spaces in character positions other than edit types C, c, or literal positions are treated as prompt characters. For example, 2 32001 in a dd/MM/yyy field is treated as '_2/_3/2001'.

As dates are in locale order and abbreviated months are in locale format, you must convert them by using locale-aware routines. (For details, see "Date Type", in Chapter 1 of the Encyclopaedia of Primitive Types, and "Converting Primitive Types", in Chapter 1 of the Developer's Reference.) Similarly, locale-equivalent characters are expected and returned for decimal places, thousand separators, negative signs, currency symbols, date delimiters, and time delimiters. Conversion must therefore use locale-aware routines.