System Methods

The methods defined in the System class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
activateDeltaDatabase Activate or deactivate delta database mode
beginIndividualRequestsLogging Starts sampling the individual remote requests of all processes in the node
beginLockContentionStats Starts recording lock contentions for persistent objects
beginObjectTracking Starts recording in a file all reads and writes of persistent objects to the database
beginSample Opens a new sampling context for each of the nodes in the sample definition group and begins the accumulation of sampling statistics for those nodes
beginSampleGroupDefinition Opens a new remote sampling context for a group of nodes
clearLockContentionStats Removes all existing lock contention data and restarts recording of lock contentions
createSystemSequenceNumber Initializes a named system sequence number to a specified value
disableRemoteSampling Disables sampling of statistics on the specified node
dumpCharacterEntityTable Lists the supported character entity names and values
enableRemoteSampling Enables sampling of statistics on the specified node
endIndividualRequestsLogging Terminates the sampling of individual requests of all processes in enabled nodes
endLockContentionStats Stops recording lock contentions and removes all lock contention data
endObjectTracking Ends recording in a file all reads and writes of persistent objects to the database
endSample Terminates sampling of statistics on all currently enabled nodes and releases the file
endSampleGroupDefinition Terminates the sampling context identified in the samplingHandle parameter for the group of nodes
findCharacterEntityByName Locates the Unicode code point for a character entity
findCharacterEntityByNumber Locates the character entity for a Unicode code point
forceOffUser Forces (signs) a user off a process
getAllUsers Returns an array of all users in all nodes in the system
getClassAccessFrequencies Returns access counts for specified classes
getDatabaseRole Returns the database role of the server node on which the Jade system is running
getDatabaseStats Returns statistics relating to persistent database activity
getDatabaseSubrole Returns the subrole of the server node on which the Jade system is running
getDbDiskCacheStats Returns statistics relating to the persistent database disk cache
getDeltaDatabaseStatus Returns the delta database status
getEnvironmentServerIdentity Returns the environment and server identities
getLockContentionInfo Retrieves lock contention information for the specified object
getLockContentionStats Retrieves lock contention information
getLocks Fills an array with a specified number of instances of current locks in the system
getMostAccessedClasses Returns access counts for the classes that have been most frequently accessed
getNotes Fills an array with a specified number of instances of current notification requests in the system
getObjectLockProcesses Populates the processes parameter with all processes that have locks on the specified object
getObjectPartitionID Returns the identifier of the partition in which the specified object is located
getQueuedLocks Fills an array with the specified number of instances of lock requests in the system that are waiting for a locked object
getRequestStats Returns system statistics relating to requests carried out by the database server node
getRpcServerStatistics Retrieves RPC statistics relating to activity between the database server node and all client nodes
getStatistics Loads the specified Integer values with system statistics
getStatistics64 Loads the specified Integer64 values with system statistics
getSystemSequenceNumberNext Increments a specified system sequence number and returns the new value
getTimeInTransactionState Returns the number of milliseconds a process is in transaction state
interruptUser Causes a conditional interruption of the specified process
isDatabaseEncryptionEnabled Specifies whether database encryption is enabled
isDbArchival Specifies whether database archival recovery is enabled for the Jade system
isRemoteSamplingEnabled Specifies whether remote statistics sampling is enabled for the specified node
isValidProcess Returns true if the process represents a signed‑on application
logObjectCaches Specifies the object cache statistics for nodes enabled for sampling
logRequestStatistics Specifies the request statistics that are logged for all processes in enabled nodes
logUserCommand Invokes the NodeSampleUserCommandCallBack entry point in the user library
processDumpAllNodes Invokes process dumps of the database server node and all nodes attached to it
queryLockContentionStats Retrieves information about the current recording of lock contentions
removeNode Forces (signs) off all users on the node from the system
sdsAuditEnableSecondaryApps When invoked on an SDS primary, restarts applications and enables sign-on on an SDS secondary
verifyDbEncryptionMasterKey Specifies whether the database encryption master key is present and correct