
logObjectCaches(samplingHandle:              Integer;
                persistentCacheStats:        Boolean;
                persistentCacheBuffers:      Boolean;
                transientCacheStats:         Boolean;
                transientCacheBuffers:       Boolean;
                remoteTransientCacheStats:   Boolean;
                remoteTransientCacheBuffers: Boolean;
                userNumber:                  Integer;
                userText:                    String);

The logObjectCaches method of the System class specifies the object cache statistics that are logged by invoking the NodeSampleCacheInfoCallBack or the NodeSampleObjectBuffer entry point, or both of these entry points, in the user library for each of the nodes in the sample definition group.

The Jade-supplied library logs the statistics to the file specified in the initializationParameter parameter of the System class beginSample method and writes the following statistics to your output file on each node in the group.

The logObjectCaches method parameters are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
samplingHandle Identifies the sampling context returned by the beginSampleGroupDefinition method when sampling started
persistentCacheStats Logs statistics of the persistent objects cache
persistentCacheBuffers Logs statistics of the persistent object cache buffers
transientCacheStats Logs statistics of the transient objects cache
transientCacheBuffers Logs statistics of the transient object cache buffers
remoteTransientCacheStats Logs statistics of the remote transient objects cache
remoteTransientCacheBuffers Logs activities in the remote transient object cache buffers
userNumber Identifies the sample in the corresponding user library invocations
userText In conjunction with the userNumber parameter, identifies the sample

To enable the logging of the cache statistics that you require, set the appropriate Boolean cache parameters to true. The following code fragment shows an example of the logObjectCaches method and its parameters.

system.logObjectCaches(samplingHandle, true, true, false, false, false,                        false, 50, "After the load data operation");

All buffers containing non-shared transient objects are listed when node sampling snapshots are requested. For details, see "Statistics File Format", in Chapter 4 of the Object Manager Guide.