Schema Methods

The methods defined in the Schema class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
addCompileTranslatableString Adds a translatable string to all base locales of the receiving schema
addUserCollectionSubclass Creates a user collection class in the receiving schema
addUserSubclass Creates a user class in the receiving schema
allClasses Returns all classes in the schema and its superschemas
allDatabases Returns all databases in the schema and its superschemas
allJadeInterfaces Returns all interfaces defined the receiver and its superschemas
allLibraries Adds all libraries in the schema to the library collection
allPrimitives Returns all primitive types in the schema and its superschemas
allSubschemas Recursively adds all subschemas in the schema to the schema collection
buildFormData Checks that the form build data for every form in the schema and subschemas is up-to-date
constantNames Returns a concatenated string of all constants in the schema
createWebServiceApplication Creates a definition for a web service provider application
deleteUserSubclass Deletes a user class in the receiving schema
extractControlIdsCSV Creates a CSV file containing generated Windows control id for controls in all schemas
extractControlIdsCSVforSchema Creates a CSV file containing generated Windows control id for controls in the current schema
findClassInBranch Returns the type of the specified class
findClassInSubschema Returns the specified class
findFormForLocale Returns the specified form for the specified locale
findFormForLocaleInAllSchemas Returns the specified form for the specified locale from all schemas
findFormForLocaleInSupers Returns the specified form for the specified locale from superschemas
findGlobalConstantInBranch Returns the specified global constant instance
findMeForm Returns the specified form from the base locale
findName Returns the type of the specified class or primitive type
findProperty Returns the property of the specified name
findType Returns the type of the specified integer
generateWSDL Creates a WSDL file for an existing Jade web service provider application
getAllBaseLocales Returns all base (non-clone) locales in the schema
getAllClasses Returns a reference to all classes in the current schema and its superschemas
getAllFormTranslations Returns all form translations of the specified form
getAllInheritedLocales Gets all locales inherited by the current schema
getAllLocales Gets all locales in the current schema and superschemas
getAllLocalLocales Gets all locales defined in the current schema
getAllRpsMappings Returns an array of all RPS mappings defined in the current schema
getAllSystemLocales Adds an instance of the LocaleNameInfo class for each locale known to the operating system to the specified object array
getAppliedPatches Returns information about the patches applied to system schemas in the Jade database
getBaseLocalesLocal Populates the specified collection with the base locales defined in the receiving schema
getCategory Returns the specified global constant category from the receiver and superschemas
getClass Gets the specified class
getClassByNumber Returns the class specified by number
getConstant Returns the specified constant
getConstantCategory Returns the specified global constant category from the receiver
getControlClasses Adds all subclasses of the Control class to the specified class collection
getCurrentLocaleId Returns the current locale identifier (LCID) of the application process when enhanced locale support is enabled; otherwise it returns the identifier of the current locale
getDefaultLocale Returns a reference to the default locale for the schema
getExternalDatabase Returns a reference to the shared transient instance of the external database
getFormatAnywhereInPath Returns the specified locale format from any locale in the current version of a schema in the schema path
getFormatAnywhereInPathLatest Returns the specified locale format from any locale in the latest version of a schema in the schema path
getFormatAnywhereInSubs Returns the specified locale format from any locale in the current version of the receiver or its subschemas
getFormatAnywhereInSubsLatest Returns the specified locale format from any locale in the latest version of the receiver or its subschemas
getFunction Returns the specified function
getGlobalClass Returns the Global class object for the schema
getGlobalConstant Returns the specified global constant
getHtmlDocumentSource Returns the HTML source of the specified HTML document
getImportedClass Returns a reference to a class imported as part of an imported package
getImportedJadeInterface Returns a reference to an interface imported as part of an imported package
getInheritedFormats Gets a collection of all formats inherited from superschemas
getInheritedXlatableStrings Gets a collection of all translatable strings defined for the specified locale
getJadeInterface Returns a reference to the specified interface
getLibrary Gets the library with the specified name
getLocalClass Returns the specified class from the current schema
getLocale Returns the specified locale from the current schema and all of its subschemas
getLocaleCurrencyInfo Gets the currency formatting information for the specified locale
getLocaleDateInfo Gets the date formatting information for the specified locale
getLocaleFullInfo Gets the full formatting information for the specified locale
getLocaleInSubschemas Returns the specified locale from subschemas
getLocaleLocal Returns the specified locale from the current schema
getLocaleNameInfo Gets the name formatting information for the specified locale
getLocaleNumericInfo Gets the numeric formatting information for the specified locale
getLocaleTimeInfo Gets the time formatting information for the specified locale
getLocalFormats Adds all user-defined formats of the receiver to the specified array
getLocalLocaleInSubschemas Returns the specified locale from subschemas
getLocalPrimitive Returns the specified primitive type from the current schema
getName Returns the name of the receiver schema as a string
getOidForObject Returns the object identifier (oid) of the specified object
getPrimitive Returns the primitive type with the specified name
getRelationalView Returns the relational view in this schema with the specified name
getRpsMapping Returns the RPS mapping in this schema with the specified name
getSchema Returns the receiver or a subschema of the receiver with the specified name
getSubschema Returns a subschema with the specified name
getSubschemas Adds all subschemas of the receiving schema to the schema name dictionary
getUserAppliedPatches Returns information about the patches applied to user schemas in the Jade database
getUserFormat Returns the user format with the specified name
getWebServiceConsumerNames Populates a string array with the names of web Service consumers in the receiving schema
globalException Returns the number of the specified global exception
importWSDL Creates a web service consumer by importing a specified WSDL file
isLocalLocale Returns true if the specified locale is local to the current schema
loadHTMLDocuments Processes all HTML document files in the specified folder
makeLocaleNameFromId Returns a string of the name of the specified locale
nonGUIGlobalExceptionHandler Logs exception details to the application exception log file, aborts any transaction, and then returns Ex_Abort_Action
regenerateRelationalView Dynamically rebuilds the specified relational view, deleting an existing relational view, if applicable, or creating the relational view if it does not exist
removeWebConsumer Removes a web service consumer with the specified name
resetUserAppliedPatches Resets information about patches applied to the specified user schema to null
reorgInProgress Returns true if a reorganization is currently "actively" in progress
reorgIsWaitingForTransition Returns true if a reorganization is in dual-update mode and waiting for the transition
setHtmlDocumentSource Sets the HTML source for the specified HTML document
withAllSubschemas Adds the current schema to the collection of its subschemas
withAllSuperschemas Adds the current schema to the collection of its superschemas and returns the superschema collection