Global Class

The Global class provides a means by which application-specific data can be shared among users of an application.

A subclass of Global (with a default name of Gapplication-class-name, which can be overridden at subschema creation time) is created whenever you create a new subschema. A single instance of the Gapplication-class-name class is also created. It is your responsibility to declare properties and methods for a Global subclass.

At run time, a single instance of the Gapplication-class-name subclass is shared by any active applications defined for the subschema. You can refer to this single instance in your logic, by using the global system variable. Because the global object is persistent, any updates to properties of global must be made in transaction state.

As all users of an application share an instance of the global object, if you update this object frequently, it may severely affect runtime performance.

You can use the getAndValidateUser and isUserValid methods to apply user validation for your applications. (For more details, see "User-Validation Support", in Chapter 2 of the Object Manager Guide.) For details about the methods and event defined in the Global class, see "Global Methods" and "Global Event", in the following subsections.

