Process Methods

The methods defined in the Process class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
addCallStackFilter Restricts the saving of the call stack only to instances of the specified class or classes
addLockCallStackFilter Restricts the saving of the lock call stack to instances of the specified class or classes only
adjustObjectCachePriority Changes how long an object is to be retained in persistent or transient object cache
allInstancesWithSavedCallStack Populates the specified array with all objects that have a saved call stack for the specified operation
allowTransientToPersistentInvs Enables a transient object to reference a persistent object without its inverse being maintained
allowTransientToSharedTranInvs Enables a non-shared transient object to reference a shared transient object without its inverse being maintained
allTransientInstances Populates the specified array with all non-shared transient instances that have been created by the receiver process and not yet deleted
analyzeTransientFileUsage Returns a string containing a detailed analysis of the transient database file
appServerPort Returns the TCP/IP communications port number of the application server node
beginMethodProfiling Starts method profiling for the receiving process
changeUserCode Changes the current value of the userCode property
classAccessFrequenciesStatus Returns true if at least one process has enabled the counting of accesses to classes
clearCallStackFilter Clears the list of classes to which saving call stack information has been restricted for this process
clearCallStackInformation Clears stored call stack information for the current process
clearLockCallStackFilter Clears the list of classes for which saving lock call stack information has been enabled for this process
compactTransientFile Defragments the transient database file for the receiving process
countQueuedNotifications Returns the number of unprocessed notifications queued for the calling process
createTransientMethod Creates an executable transient Jade method
currentStack Populates the process stack array with references to method call descriptor objects
debug Displays information about your current process stack, and enables you to inspect variables
deleteTransientMethod Deletes a transient Jade method
disableAllTransTraceCallbacks Disables all transaction trace callbacks for the receiver process
enableClassAccessFrequencies Enables or disables the counting of accesses to classes
enableTransTraceCallback Enables or disables a specified transaction trace callback for the receiver process
endMethodProfiling Stops method profiling for the receiving process
executeIOScript Executes a Jade script passing parameters as io (input-output) usage
executeScript Executes a Jade script
executeTransientIOMethod Executes a transient Jade method passing parameters as io (input-output) usage
executeTransientMethod Executes a transient Jade method
extractRequestStatistics Extracts local or remote request statistics from notifications sent in response to a sendRequestStatistics method request
extractWebStatistics Extracts the performance statistics relating to web activity from a notification
finalizePackages Performs any terminate function common to all schema applications that contain packages
getAllApps Populates an array with all applications that are active in the process of the receiver
getBufferStatistics Returns cache‑related information about a specified object

Returns the call stack information for the object

getCallStackAsString Returns the call stack for the specified object as a human‑readable string

Returns the list of classes to which saving call stack information has been restricted for this process


Returns true if any class filter exists for call stack saving on the receiving process for the specified operation

getCallStackInfo Retrieves information about the call stack of the current process
getCommandLine Returns a string containing the command line of the receiving node object of the process
getComputerName Returns a string containing the computer name of the receiving node object of the process
getDateTimeDelta Retrieves the values used to adjust initial date and time local variable values used by the receiving process
getErrorText Returns the message text for a Jade-defined error code
getExceptionHandlerStack Populates an array with transient objects representing exception handlers armed by the current process
getIniFileName Returns a string containing the name and full path of the Jade initialization file of the process
getJadeHomeDirectory Returns a string containing the Jade HOME directory
getJadeInstallDirectory Returns a string containing the directory in which the Jade binaries are installed
getJadeWorkDirectory Returns a string containing the directory in which Jade work files are created
getLastExtFunctionCallError Returns the error code set by the last external function call made by the current process
getLockCallStackFilter Returns the list of classes for which saving lock call stack information has been enabled for this process
getMethodCacheLimit Retrieves the method cache limit for the executing process
getMethodCacheStatistics Retrieves information about the method cache of the executing process and stores it in the passed‑in JadeDynamicObject instance
getMethodProfileInfo Retrieves method profiling information for the receiving process
getOSDetails Returns comprehensive information about the operating system and machine architecture of the process of the receiver
getOSPlatform Returns the operating system of the process of the receiver
getPersistentDeadlockPriority Retrieves the priority value to be used when dealing with deadlocks involving persistent objects
getProcessApp Returns a reference to the main Application object of the current process
getProfileString Retrieves a string from the specified section in the Jade initialization file of the process
getProgramDataDirectory Returns a string containing the program data directory
getRequestStatistics Retrieves node sampling values relating to the receiver process
getRpcServerStatistics Retrieves node sampling statistics relating to RPC activity between the database server node and the receiver process

Returns true if call stack capturing is currently enabled on the receiving process for the specified operation

getSaveLockCallStack When an object is locked, returns true if the lock call stack is being saved for a process
getSignOnUsage Returns the way in which a currently logged on user signed on to Jade
getStringPoolLimit Retrieves the string pool limit for the executing process
getTempPath Returns a string containing the architecture-specific version of the directory in which temporary files are created on the process of the receiver object
getTimers Returns timer-related information from the receiving process
getTrackedMethod Returns the tracked method that caused the specified preamble or postamble method to be invoked
getTrackedMethodReceiver Returns the object used as the receiver for the method being tracked
getTrackedMethodReturnValue Retrieves the return value of the method being tracked
getTrackedMethodStatus Returns a value representing the current status of the tracked method
getTransactionId Returns the latest identifier from the most recent transaction as a Decimal value
getTransactionId64 Returns the latest identifier from the most recent transaction as an Integer64 value
getTransactionTraceCallbacks Returns the method and receiver for all currently enabled transaction trace callbacks
getTransactionTraceObject Returns the transaction trace object associated with the current process
getTransientDeadlockPriority Retrieves the priority value to be used when dealing with deadlocks involving shared transient objects
getTransientFileLength Returns the physical size of the transient database file in use by the executing process
getTransientFileName Returns the name of the transient database file in use by the executing process
getUserDataDirectory Returns a string containing the user data directory
hasCallStack Returns true if call stack information exists for the specified object
initializePackages Performs any initialization function common to all schema applications that contain packages
isCommitting Returns true if the process is currently committing a transaction
isInExceptionState Returns true if the epilog is being executed as a result of an exception
isInImportedContext Returns true if the current (executing) process has invoked the current method from a package
isInLoadState Returns true if the process is currently in load state
isInLockState Returns true if the process is currently in lock state
isInTransactionState Returns true if the process is currently in persistent transaction state
isInTransientTransactionState Returns true if the process is currently in transient transaction state
isRunningScript Returns true if the process is running a JadeScript or Workspace method
isUserDataPump Returns true if the process is running as a user-defined Datapump application
isUsingThinClient Returns true if the process is running in Jade thin client mode
iteratorsExcludeOfflineObjects Specifies whether objects stored in offline partitions should be excluded when collections are iterated with an iterator or a foreach instruction
networkAddress Returns the IP address of the network interface connection to the application server or database server
overrideDeferredInverseMaintenance Specifies whether a deferred execution strategy for all automatically maintained collection properties for the current process is in use
profileMethod Selects or deselects a method to be profiled for the receiving process
profiler Returns the profiler for the receiving process
prohibitBeginTransaction Stops the current process entering transaction state
prohibitPersistentUpdates Enables the updating of persistent objects in the current process to be prohibited
removeMethodProfileInfo Removes all method profiling information for the receiving process
resumeTimers Resumes all timers suspended for a process
rpsSuppressTransactionDeletes Specifies that an object deletion on a primary system is not replicated to a relational database
sendCallStackInfo Requests a process to send notifications containing information about its call stack
sendMethodCacheStatistics Requests a target process (the receiver) to send a notification containing statistics about the method cache of the target process
sendRequestStatistics Requests a process to send a notification containing local or remote request statistics
sendTransientFileAnalysis Requests a process to send notifications containing a detailed analysis of the contents of the transient database file
sendTransientFileInfo Requests a process to send a notification containing the oid of the process, and the name and length of the transient database file
sendWebStatistics Requests a process to send a notification containing performance statistics for web activity
setDateTimeDelta Sets the values used to adjust the initial values of the Date, Time, and TimeStamp local variables
setDefaultLockTimeout Changes the default lock timeout period for the receiving process
setMethodCacheLimit Programmatically sets the method cache limit for the executing process
setObjectCachePriority Specifies how long an object is to be retained in persistent or transient object cache
setPersistentDeadlockPriority Sets the priority value to be used when dealing with deadlocks involving persistent objects
setProfileString Copies a string into the specified section of the Jade initialization file of the process
setSaveCallStack Enables or disables call stack saving on the receiving process of the specified operation
setSaveLockCallStack Specifies whether the call stack is recorded when the receiving process locks an object
setStringPoolLimit Programmatically sets the string pool limit for the executing process
setTransientDeadlockPriority Sets the priority value to be used when dealing with deadlocks involving shared transient objects
sleep Suspends execution of the thread of the receiver process for a specified time
startMethodTracking Initiates method tracking for the receiver process
startTransactionTrace Initiates transaction tracing for transactions carried out by the current process
stopMethodTracking Turns off method tracking for the receiver process
stopTransactionTrace Turns off transaction tracing for the receiver process
suspendTimers Suspends all timers registered by a process
transactionTraceStarted Returns true if transaction tracing is enabled for the current process
transientPersistentInvsEnabled Returns the current state of the Boolean set by calls to allowTransientToPersistentInvs on the process
transientSharedTranInvsEnabled Returns the current state of the Boolean set by calls to allowTransientToSharedTranInvs on the process
truncateOnDecimalOverflow Specifies whether an exception is raised when a decimal overflow occurs
useDeferredInverseMaintenance Enables or disables a deferred execution strategy for all automatically maintained collection properties for the current process
useUpdateLocks Update locks rather than Exclusive locks are implicitly acquired when an object is updated
waitForMethods Suspends the process until one of the method contexts completes or times out