Node Methods

The methods defined in the Node class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
analyzeSharedTransientFileUsage Returns a string containing a detailed analysis of the shared transient database file
beginIndividualRequestsLogging Manually starts sampling individual remote requests of all processes in the local node
beginSample Manually opens a new sample file and begins accumulating local node statistics
clearMethodCache Clears previously loaded methods from method cache
createExternalProcess Initiates an external process from within Jade logic
downloadCount Returns the number of processes currently performing an automatic download of software
endIndividualRequestsLogging Manually terminates sampling of individual remote requests of all process in the local node
endSample Manually terminates sampling of statistics in the local node and releases the current file
getAppServerGroupName Returns a string containing the name of the AppServerGroupName parameter in the Jade initialization file
getCacheSizes Retrieves the cache sizes of the node on which the method is executing
getCacheSizes64 Retrieves the cache sizes of the node on which the method is executing when running in a 64‑bit Jade environment
getCharacterSize Returns an integer value representing the character size of the node of the receiver object
getCommandLine Returns a string containing the command line of the node of the receiver object
getComputerName Returns a string containing the computer name of the receiving node object
getDefaultLCID Returns the number of the locale with which the background process for the node was initiated
getEnvironmentVariable Returns a string containing the value of the specified user or system environment variable on the node of the receiver object
getExecuteFlagValue Returns a boolean value containing the effective value of a flag used in executeWhen instructions
getIniFileName Returns a string containing the name and full path of the Jade initialization file
getJadeHomeDirectory Returns a string containing the Jade HOME directory
getJadeInstallDirectory Returns a string containing the directory in which the Jade binaries are installed
getJadeWorkDirectory Returns a string containing the directory in which Jade work files are created
getLCIDFromCharacterSet Returns a locale ID corresponding to the specified short name of a character set
getLineDelimiter Returns a string containing the line delimiter of the node of the receiver object
getLocks Populates the specified array with transient instances of the current locks for shared transient instances
getMutexCounts Retrieves the number of contentions on mutexes (locking mechanism used to ensure thread safety when executing critical sections of code) used internally by Jade for the node
getNotes Reserved for future use
getObjectCaches Retrieves node sampling values relating to cache activity
getOSDetails Returns comprehensive information about the operating system and machine architecture of the node of the receiver object
getOSPlatform Returns the operating system of the receiver object
getProfileString Retrieves a string from the specified section in an initialization file on the application server workstation when the application is running in Jade thin client mode
getProgramDataDirectory Returns a string containing the program data directory
getQueuedLocks Populates the specified array with transient instances of the lock requests waiting for shared transient object to be unlocked
getRequestStats Returns node statistics relating to persistent database requests from the node of the receiver object
getRpcServerStatistics Retrieves statistics relating to RPC activity between the database server node and the node of the receiver object
getSharedTransientFileLength Returns the physical size of the shared transient database file in use by the executing process
getSharedTransientFileName Returns the name of the shared transient database file in use by the executing process
getTempPath Returns a string containing the architecture-specific version of the directory in which temporary files are created on the node of the receiver object
getUserDataDirectory Returns a string containing the user data directory
isApplicationServer Specifies whether the method is executing on an application server node
isCacheCoherencyEnabled Specifies whether the receiving node has cache coherency enabled
isReadOnlySchema Specifies whether the node on which the method is executing is a read-only schema
isReadOnlySystemSchema Specifies whether the node on which the method is executing is a read-only system schema
isServerNode Specifies whether the node on which the method is executing is the server
isService Specifies whether the executable that is currently running on the node of the receiver object is running as a service
logObjectCaches Specifies the local node object cache statistics logged to the sample statistics file
logRequestStatistics Specifies the request statistics logged for processes in the local node
logUserCommand Invokes the NodeSampleUserCommandCallBack entry point in the user library
networkAddress Returns the IP address of the network interface connection to the database server
nodeRole Returns an integer value that represents the database role of the node of the receiver object
nodeType Returns an integer value that indicates the role of the node with regard to processes and the Synchronized Database Service (SDS)
osProcessId Returns the process identifier of the executable that is currently running on the node of the receiver object
processDump Invokes a non-fatal process dump of the node specified by the receiver
setCacheSizes Sets the cache size values on the node on which the method is executing and retrieves the current values after the operation
setCacheSizes64 Sets the cache size values on the node on which the method is executing and retrieves the current values after the operation when running in a 64‑bit Jade environment
setExecuteFlagValue Sets the effective value of a flag used in executeWhen instructions
setProfileString Copies a string into the specified section of the Jade initialization file
wbemListClasses Retrieves a list of the WBEM classes that can be queried for the node of the receiver object
wbemListInstanceNames Retrieves the names of all instances of a specified WBEM class for the node of the receiver object
wbemQueryQualifiers Retrieves the name, type, and scale factor for each attribute of a specified WBEM class
wbemRetrieveData Retrieves instances and attribute values for a specified WBEM class for the node of the receiver object