
getJadeWorkDirectory(): String;

The getJadeWorkDirectory method of the Node class returns a string containing the directory where work files are created by Jade. When you call the getJadeWorkDirectory method and the directory does not exist, Jade creates it based on the value of the JadeWorkDirectory parameter in the [JadeEnvironment] section of the Jade initialization file.

By default, this directory is created at the same level as the Jade installation directory (that is, the directory in which the jade.exe executable program is located) and is named temp. For example, if the Jade installation directory is c:\jade\bin, the working directory would be c:\jade\temp.

The cache file for a thin client (which contains all forms and pictures sent by logic from the application server) is stored in the work directory, unless another location is specified by the FormCacheFile parameter in the [JadeThinClient] section. The thin client automatic download interlock file (thinlock.fil) is also created in the work directory.