JadeHTMLClass Methods

The methods defined in the JadeHTMLClass class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
addCookie Adds cookie information on the client node for the HTML page when the HTML string is generated
addHiddenField Dynamically adds hidden input tags to the HTML page
addOptionTag Returns the HTML representing an option tag for a <select> tag
addPageBounce Returns a string containing page bounce code
buildFormActionOnly Returns the action attribute for a form tag
buildLink Generates a hyperlink
clearCookies Removes all cookies from the HTML page
generateHTMLString Generates and returns the HTML string based on the information saved when the page was imported
getAttributes Returns the attributes that have been set up for a specified property on the HTML page
getCookies Returns all of the cookies set for the current session
getHttpValue Processes the httpString property value and returns the value for the specified name
processRequest Processes the input from the web browser and sets the properties to the appropriate values
queryIncludePage Determines if the included page is inserted into the HTML string
reply Sends the response back to the web browser
replyAsBinary Returns the Binary message to the web browser without modification
setAttributes Allows additional attributes to be set on an input tag prior to the HTML generation
tableAddData Returns a <td> tag with attributes and data set appropriately
tableAddInput Returns a <td> tag with attributes, input type, and values set appropriately
tableAddItem Sets up data for a table, with all data for a table row specified in the value string
tableBegin Returns a string containing the opening tag for a table
tableBeginRow Returns a string containing the HTML for the row tag
tableEnd Returns a string containing the HTML for the end table tag
tableEndRow Returns a string containing the tag for the end of a table row
updateValues When reimplemented, sets up the required property values
wasPageBounced Specifies whether the HTML page was bounced to another web page