
processRequest(): Boolean updating;

When a request is received from the web browser, a transient instance of the class corresponding to this request is created, and the processRequest method of the JadeHTMLClass class is called to process the property values of the instance from the request, setting up the properties with the appropriate values.

When a request is received by an HTML document‑based application, the processRequest method is not called if it is the initial request where the home page is invoked (it is called when additional request is made on that document; for example, a link is clicked) or if the reference tag in the received data is _jadeReferencePage. If the reference tag in the received message is _jadeReferenceClass, the processRequest method is called. Alternatively, you can reimplement the updateValues method to set up the required property values for the HTML page. (See also "HTML Document Implementation", in Chapter 12 of the Development Environment User's Guide.)

The processRequest method returns true if the processing was successful or it returns false if there was an error in the processing.