JadeDatabaseAdmin Class Constants

The constants provided by the JadeDatabaseAdmin class are listed in the following table.

Constant Integer Value Description
BackupAbortedEvent 4000 Multiple file backup terminated by the user.
BackupCancelledEvent 8000 Multiple file backup has been cancelled by the user.
BackupCompleteEvent 3000 Multiple file backup completed normally.
BackupFailedEvent 9000 Multiple file backup has failed.
FileBackupCompleteEvent 2000 File backup has finished.
FileBackupStartEvent 1000 File backup has commenced.
JournalTransferEvent 6000 Recovery journal file has been transferred.
Mode_Archive 4 Quiesces the database for archive backup.
Mode_Default 9 Restores the database to the initial mode and usage values.
Mode_Exclusive 1 Requests exclusive access to the database. If other users already have the database open, a database mode conflict is reported. Similarly, if one user already has the database open in exclusive mode, other users are prevented from opening the database.
Mode_Shared 0 Enables multiple current users to open the database.
Mode_Snapshot 6

Conditions the database for external third‑party snapshot backup.

RpsStorageMode_Full 0 Full database replica RPS data store mode.
RpsStorageMode_MappedExtent 1 Mapped extent RPS data store mode.
RpsStorageMode_WorkingSet 2 Working set RPS data store mode (deprecated in Jade 2020 and higher).
Usage_NoAudit 2 Specifies that the recovery log is not maintained. This usage can result in better performance, but if an abnormal termination occurs and the database is not audited, recovery is not possible and the database must be restored from backup. Use the shared access mode to specify multiple users with no‑audit usage. However, if any one application or shared‑access user opens the database in no‑audit mode, all users must request no‑audit usage or a conflicts exception is raised.
Usage_ReadOnly 1 Specifies that applications have read‑only access to the database. Multiple instances of the Jade Object Manager can access the database in read-only mode.
Usage_Update 0 Enables applications to update the database.

For details about these constants, see "JadeDatabaseAdmin Class Event Notifications" or the changeDbAccessMode method, later in this section.