JadeDatabaseAdmin Class Event Notifications

A number of automatic events are notified, to allow Jade applications to monitor and report on the operation and progress of file backups.

The FileBackupStartEvent and FileBackupCompleteEvent events are caused by a JadeDatabaseAdmin object notifying the start and completion of each file backup when using a multiple file backup method (for example, backupAllDbFiles or backupDbFiles). In addition, if operation and progress event notifications are enabled (by using the enableProgressEvents method), a progress event is notified by each DbFile instance whenever the nominated percentage increment of the file has been copied and an operation event notifies which backup operation is being performed on the file. (For details, see "DbFile Class Event Notifications", earlier in this chapter.)

The event types are enumerated by the JadeDatabaseAdmin class constants listed in the following table.

Constant Integer Value Description
BackupAbortedEvent 4000 Multiple file backup terminated by the user
BackupCancelledEvent 8000 Multiple file backup has been canceled by the user
BackupCompleteEvent 3000 Multiple file backup has completed normally
BackupFailedEvent 9000 Multiple file backup has failed
FileBackupStartEvent 1000 File backup has commenced
FileBackupCompleteEvent 2000 File backup has finished
JournalTransferEvent 6000 Recovery journal file has been transferred

The BackupAbortedEvent event is caused by a JadeDatabaseAdmin class instance when a multiple file backup operation is terminated abnormally due to a user-requested termination. The userInfo parameter of your notification callback for this event is null.

The BackupFailedEvent event is caused by a JadeDatabaseAdmin class instance when a multiple file backup operation is terminated abnormally due to a fatal exception. The userInfo parameter of your notification callback for this event is null.

The BackupCompleteEvent event is caused by a JadeDatabaseAdmin class instance when a multiple file backup has completed; that is, all files have been successfully backed up. The userInfo parameter of your user notification method for this event is null.

The FileBackupCompleteEvent event is caused by a JadeDatabaseAdmin class instance when using one of the multiple file backup methods (for example, backupAllDbFiles or backupDbFiles) as each file backup is completed. The userInfo parameter of your user notification method contains a DbFile reference that represents the file for which a backup has commenced.

The FileBackupStartEvent event is caused by a JadeDatabaseAdmin class instance when using one of the multiple file backup methods (for example, backupAllDbFiles or backupDbFiles) as each file backup is commenced. The userInfo parameter of your user notification method contains a DbFile reference that represents the file for which a backup has commenced.

The JournalTransferEvent event is caused by the singleton persistent instance of the System class (denoted by the system Jade system variable) when a transaction journal is transferred. The userInfo parameter of your user notification method contains the number of the transaction journal that is transferred.

This event is intended to notify the backup application when an active journal becomes offline so that it can be backed up. The notification of this event is automatically enabled when the first instance of the JadeDatabaseAdmin class is created and it is disabled when the last instance is deleted.