DbFile Methods

The methods defined in the DbFile class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
backupFile Backs up a physical database file
beginPartitionedFileBackup Begins the backup of selected database partitions, which can also be backed up in parallel
certifyFile Initiates the certification of a database file
changeAccessMode Changes the access mode of a file to read-only or updateable
compactFile Initiates the compaction of a database file
createPartition Creates a new empty partition and returns the partition identifier
disableAuditing Disables auditing associated with object operations performed against the file
drop Removes the file and marks it as deleted

Re-enables the auditing associated with object operations

endPartitionedFileBackup Ends the backup of selected database partitions
freeze Converts a partition to read-only mode, after which no object update, delete, or create are permitted
getBackupTimestamp Returns a timestamp containing the date and time the database file was last backed up
getCreationTimestamp Returns a timestamp containing the date and time the database file was created
getCryptStatus Returns the encryption status of a physical database file
getFileLength Returns the size of a physical database file
getFileStatus Returns the status of a physical database file during the backup process
getFreeSpace Evaluates the available free space in a database file
getFullBackupTimestamp Returns a timestamp containing the date and time the database file was last backed up
getMaxPartitionId Returns the maximum partition ID of the database file
getModifiedTimestamp Returns a timestamp containing the date and time the database file was last updated
getName Returns the name of the database file
getOpenPartitions Populates the input partitionList array with references to JadeDbFilePartition instances; one for each open partition of the associated database file
getPartition Returns the JadeDbFilePartition instance associated with the indexed partition
getPartitionCount Returns the number of non-removed partitions assigned to the file
getPartitionModulus Returns the number of partitions in which new instances are stored
getPartitions Populates the input partitionList array with JadeDbFilePartition instances; one for each partition of the associated database file
getPatchVersion Returns the patch version numbers for the system files
getStatistics Returns statistics on reads database activity
getTotalFileLength64 Returns the total bytes occupied by subfiles of a database map file
getUserPatchVersion Returns the unformatted version number of user data map files
isAuditing Returns true if auditing associated with object operations is enabled
isFrozen Returns true if the database file is frozen
isOpen Returns true if the database file is currently open
isPartitioned Returns true if the database file is partitioned
setMaxPartitionId Sets the maximum partition ID for the database file
setPartitionModulus Specifies the modulus; that is, the number of partitions in which new instances are stored
setPartitioned Changes the partitioned attribute of an empty (non-instantiated) database file
thaw Restores the database partition to its default active state