
certifyFile(): Integer;

The certifyFile method of the DbFile class initiates an online certification of the physical database file; that is, it checks the database integrity.

The file must be stable when the certify operation is performed. In addition, the file access mode must be read‑only, or the database mode must be exclusive or archive. When the database mode is archive, all files are effectively read‑only, as the database is in a quiescent state. When the database mode is exclusive, you must take responsibility to coordinate transaction activity with the certify operation.

The certifyFile method returns the number of errors that were detected when certifying the database file.

This method executes on a persistent server node, and is implemented and executed by the physical database engine. For details, see "Using the Certify Files Command", in Chapter 1 of the Database Administration Guide.

For details about the parameters that provide advanced diagnostic capabilities when performing certify and freespace evaluation operations, see "Database Diagnostics Section [DBUtil]", in the Jade Initialization File Reference.