Application Methods

The methods defined in the Application class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
activateApp Activates the current form of the application if that application is running within the same copy of jade.exe
activeControl Returns the control that currently has the focus
activeForm Returns the form that currently has the focus
actualTime Returns the current date and time as a timestamp value
actualTimeAppServer Returns the current date and time of the application server
actualTimeServer Returns the current date and time of the server node
actualTimeStampOffset Returns the current date, time, and offset from UTC as a timestamp value
actualTimeStampOffsetAppServer Returns the current date, time, and offset of the application server
actualTimeStampOffsetServer Returns the current date, time, and offset of the server node
alert Plays a waveform sound
allowZeroForms Continues the process after the startAppMethod or startAppMethodWithString method completes, even if a form was not created
asyncFinalize Finalizes a worker application that has processed asynchronous method calls
asyncInitialize Initializes a worker application to receive and process asynchronous method calls
beep Plays a waveform sound
checkPictureFile Checks the file contents to determine whether it contains a valid picture image
clock Returns a relative time in milliseconds
clearWriteWindow Clears the contents of the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer if it is open
closeWriteWindow Closes the Jade Interpreter Output Viewer if it is open
computerName Returns the name of the workstation on which the current method is executing
computerNameAppServer Returns the name of the application server workstation when the application is running in Jade thin client mode
copyImageFromClipboard Returns the binary image contained in the Windows clipboard
copyImageToClipboard Copies the specified binary image to the Windows clipboard
copyStringFromClipboard Returns the text contained in the Windows clipboard
copyStringToClipboard Copies the specified string to the Windows clipboard
createSessionErrorMessage Returns the message displayed on web browsers when a web session cannot be created
currentUTCBias Obtains the current bias (in minutes) for local time translation on the specified node
dbPath Obtains the database path
dbServerComputerName Returns the name of the database server
debugApplication Starts the specified application in debug mode
debugApplicationWithParameter Starts the specified application in debug mode and passes an object parameter to the initialize method
defaultLocale Returns the locale used if an attempt is made to run the application on a workstation operating in a locale not supported by the schema
doWindowEvents Processes all pending Windows events for the application
enableThinClientConnBalancing Enables balancing of connections from thin clients across a group of application servers
endOdbcSession Called in an ODBC server application when an ODBC session is closed
executeMethodNotFoundMessage Returns a default HTML string to a web browser user when the method specified for execution cannot be found or it is invalid
finalize Performs any terminate function common to all application users
finalizeOdbcSelect Called in an ODBC server application at the end of the execution of an SQL Query
flushThinClient Causes any commands queued in the application server for the Jade thin application to be passed immediately to the presentation client for processing
forceThinClientMethodBroadcast Marks a single event method to start broadcasting to the application server even when unimplemented
forms Returns the form at the specified form number
formsCount Returns the current number of active forms for the application
generateUuid Generates and returns a binary Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) value
getApplicationSkin Returns a reference to the JadeSkinApplication object currently set for the application
getCurrentSession Returns a reference to the WebSession object of the specified web session identifier
getCurrentSessionId Returns a string of up to 16 characters that identifies the current web session
getExternalDatabase Returns a reference to the shared external database transient instance
getForm Returns the first active form object with the specified name
getEnhancedLocaleSupport Returns the current value (true or false) of the EnhancedLocaleSupport parameter in the [JadeEnvironment] section of the Jade initialization file on the database node
getIniFileName Returns the full path and file name of the Jade initialization file
getIniFileNameAppServer Returns the name of the application server initialization file when the application is running in Jade thin client mode
getJadeInstallDir Returns the directory in which the Jade binaries are installed
getJadeInstallDirAppServer Returns the directory in which the Jade binaries are installed on the application server when the application is running in Jade thin client mode
getJadeTextEditGlobalSettings Returns a string containing the global settings table compiled into the JadeTextEdit class library
getJadeTextEditOneSetting Returns a string containing the specified JadeTextEdit class setting
getMessageText Returns the error text associated with an exception with the specified error number
getMouseMoveTime Returns the current mouseMove event time in use for the current application running on presentation clients
getName Returns a string containing the name of the receiver application
getOdbcSessionObject Returns a reference to an application-maintained ODBC session object when called in an ODBC server application
getParamListTypeEntry Returns the value of the parameter in the parameter list at the specified position
getParamListTypeLength Returns the number of entries in a ParamListType pseudo type parameter list
getPersistentApp Returns a reference to the persistent application from which the transient instance of the receiver was created
getProcess Returns the current process
getProfileString Retrieves a string from the specified section in an initialization file
getProfileStringAppServer Retrieves a string from the specified section in an initialization file on the application server when the application is running in Jade thin client mode
getRootSchemaFormTranslation Returns the control captions to be displayed on print-related system forms
getSchema Returns the current schema
getSessionTimeout Returns the web session timeout value specified for the application
getSkin Returns a reference to the JadeSkin object that is currently set for the application
getSkinCollection Returns the global collection of skins
getSystemVersion Returns a string containing the version of the Jade system
getTempDir Returns the temporary directory on the client node
getTempDirAppServer Returns the temporary directory on the application server when the application is running in Jade thin client mode
getThinClientEncryptionType Returns the type of encryption being used by the thin client TCP connection for this application
getTransientDbPath Returns a string containing the full path of the transient database file on the current node
getUTCTime Returns the current UTC time for the machine on which the method executes
getWebMachineName Returns the machine name to be used when generating HTML pages
getWebVirtualDirectory Returns the virtual directory to be used when generating HTML pages
globalLockException Provides a generic lock exception handler
htmlPageNotFoundMessage Returns a string containing the error message that is sent to the receiver when the requested page for the web application is not found
inactiveTimeout Resets the inactive timeout period to zero (0) if there has been no user activity within the number of seconds specified by the setInactiveTimeoutPeriod method
initialize Performs any initialization function common to all application users
initializeOdbcSelect Called in an ODBC server application before the execution of an SQL query
invalidWebSessionMessage Returns an HTML string for display on the web browser when a session is invalid
isActiveXClassIdRegistered Returns true if the specified ActiveX class is registered
isAppRunning Indicates if the application is running within the same copy of jade.exe
isBeingDebugged Returns true if the application is being run through the Jade debugger
isControlSupported Returns true if the current presentation client supports the specified control type
isFormOpen Returns true if a form of the specified class is open
isMultiUser Returns true if the application is running in multiuser mode
isThinClientMethodBroadcastForced Returns true if the broadcast has been forced for the method specified in the eventMethodName parameter
isUnicode Returns true if the application is running with Unicode characters and strings
isValidObject Establishes if the object specified in the obj parameter exists
isWebService Specifies whether the application is running as a web service
jadeReportWriterAppName Returns a string containing the name of the application
jadeReportWriterParamLiteral Returns the literal to be reported when a Jade Report Writer parameter has had its "ignore in selection option" set on
jadeReportWriterParamObjects Returns an array of objects to populate a list for selection when running a report with an object parameter
jadeReportWriterParameterIsSet Updates any transient parameter instance holding the current parameter value
jadeReportWriterTimeDetails Records Jade Report Writer timings
jadeWebServiceInputError Enables you to log a message and return the SOAP exception text if the input to a web service request is not encoded as valid UTF‑8
licencesExceededMessage Returns the message that is displayed on web browsers when your licences have been exceeded
loadPicture Loads a picture (icon, bitmap, jpeg, meta, png, tiff, or gif) from an external picture file
minimumResponseTimeExceededMsg Returns a default HTML string to a web browser user when the maximum wait time for a response is exceeded
msgBox Displays a message in a dialog, and waits for the user to click a button
msgBoxCustom Displays a message box with customized button captions
odbcWorkerFinalize Finalizes an ODBC server application
odbcWorkerInitialize Initializes an ODBC server application from information in a configuration file
paintIfRequired Causes all forms of the application to be repainted if a repaint is required
playSound Plays the specified .wav file and returns when the sound file has been played
playSoundAsync Starts playing the specified .wav file and returns immediately
productionMode Returns true if the database from which the application is runs has production mode set
random Returns a random non-negative number in the range 0 through the value of the range parameter, inclusive, but not exceeding 32,767
random31 Returns a non-negative number in the range 0 through the value of the range parameter, inclusive
relativeMachineMicros Returns a high-accuracy machine-relative time in microseconds
relativeMachineTime Returns a high-accuracy machine-relative time in milliseconds
removeSessionMessage Returns the message that is displayed on web browsers when your web session ends
repairCollection Removes invalid object references and fixes up dictionary keys
resetThinClientMethodBroadcast Clears the internal collection of broadcasting event methods
rpsDataPumpFinalize Performs termination functions for a user-defined RPS Datapump application
rpsDataPumpInitialize Performs initialization functions for a user-defined RPS Datapump application and registers a receiver for callbacks required to control output to an RDBMS database
seedRandom Initializes the random number generator or sets the random number generator with a new value
serverName Returns the name of the server in use for the Jade application
setApplicationSkin Defines the JadeSkinApplication object used for the application at run time
setEndpointForWebService Redirects a web service request received by a gateway web service application to another web service application
setInactiveTimeoutPeriod Establishes a one-shot timeout period for user activity in a GUI application
setJadeLocale Changes the locale from within the logic of the application
setMouseMoveTime Sets the current mouseMove event time for the current application running on presentation clients
setOdbcSessionObject Sets a reference to an application-maintained ODBC session object when called in an ODBC server application
setParamListTypeEntry Sets the value of the parameter in the ParamListType pseudo type list specified in the paramList parameter at the position specified in the index parameter to the value specified in the value parameter
setProfileString Copies a string into the specified section of the Jade initialization file
setProfileStringAppServer Copies a string into the specified section of the Jade initialization file on an application server when the application is running in Jade thin client mode
setSessionTimeout Dynamically sets the period in minutes at which the web session ends if no requests have been received within that time
setSkin Defines the JadeSkin object used for the application at run time
setStatusLineDisplay Dynamically changes scrolling text displayed in the web browser status line
setWebMachineName Sets the machine name to be used when generating HTML pages
setWebVirtualDirectory Sets the virtual directory to be used when generating HTML pages
skinDelete Deletes all entities that were loaded as part of the skin load process
skinExtract Extracts skin images for a specified application skin to a directory structure
skinLoad Loads skin images from the specified directory
skinMakeDirectory Creates an empty directory structure into which skin images can be loaded
startAppMethod Initiates another application in the same node, enabling you to specify the initialize method and pass a parameter object to it
startAppMethodWithString Initiates another application in the same node, enabling you to specify the initialize method and pass a parameter string to it
startApplication Initiates another application in the same node
startApplicationWithParameter Initiates another application in the same node and passes an object parameter to the initialize method
startApplicationWithString Initiates another application in the same node and passes a string parameter to the initialize method
startOdbcSession Called in an ODBC server application when an ODBC session is started
timedOutSessionMessage Returns the message that is displayed on web browsers when your web session times out
updateJadeTextEditAppSettings Adds or modifies one or more JadeTextEdit class settings associated with the current application
userName Returns the name of the current user as a string
webApplicationDirectory Returns the name of the web application directory that contains transferred files when your Jade environment is behind a firewall